its amd 64 3400 754
motherboard K8ns by gigabyte
512mb ram (generic)
300watt psu (crappy)
abit ti4200
aiw ati pci
The problem is that this pc reboots suddently. Maybe every 30 - 200 min or so. What are the possible problems?
oh and the first time this happened, when i was playing NFS underground. Second time. When i opened like 50 firefox windows. 3rd time when i was asleep. 4th time when i was trying to post this message
motherboard K8ns by gigabyte
512mb ram (generic)
300watt psu (crappy)
abit ti4200
aiw ati pci
The problem is that this pc reboots suddently. Maybe every 30 - 200 min or so. What are the possible problems?
oh and the first time this happened, when i was playing NFS underground. Second time. When i opened like 50 firefox windows. 3rd time when i was asleep. 4th time when i was trying to post this message