Originally posted by: bleeb
What Is Considered An Illegal Activity Under Immigration Law?
Here are some examples of the most common violations of United States Immigration laws:
(This is not a complete list of violations.)
* filing false statements on applications or petitions
* making a false claim that you are a United States citizen
* making, altering or using counterfeit immigration documents
* making, altering or using counterfeit documents to support immigration applications or petitions
* failing to report the arrival of illegal aliens
* assisting or encouraging aliens to come to the United States in violation of the law
* harboring an illegal alien
* knowingly employing aliens who do not have permission to work in the United States
* recruiting or referring for a fee aliens who do not have permission to work in the United States
* failing to complete and maintain immigration Form I-9 for all new employees, whether citizens or aliens
* failing to depart the United States when ordered removed (deported)
* entering or attempting to enter the United States at a time or place which is not authorized
* attempting to enter the United States by misrepresenting (lying about) material facts
* entering into a marriage to circumvent the immigration laws
* entering or attempting to enter the United States without permission after having been removed (deported)
* assisting an alien to enter the United States for prostitution or other immoral purposes