Hybrid HDD vs SSD vs HDD


Aug 13, 2014
Hey there Achilleslastand,

Hybrid or SSHD drives are great for certain types of usage. These drives consist of a regular average HDD and a small (usually 8GB) SSD that is only used for caching. The drive has its own algorithm and calculates which applications you are using the most and stores their files on the SSD for faster loading and better performance. Everything else works pretty much at regular speeds. Sadly you have no control over what goes to the SSD part. Iт would be useful if you are using just a few things from that drive mostly so the drive can "learn" to store their files on the SSD.
Also, games rely on the storage's performance only for the loading times and autosaves. FPS and graphics stay completely unaffected. Only opeн-world and MMO games that need to load huge texture files may benefit from faster storage but any regular modern HDD can handle that. :)
I'd say it's really up to what you will be doing with the drive.

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