HTML5 - and images - size and capacity Information


Junior Member
Apr 1, 2014

I am writing a event action matrix document - (for a programmer) for a project I am developing. I think that HTML5 and Canvas will be able to be used to build this app.

For this web-based app, users can move around images in a browser, resize them, rotate them,etc. and then print or save what they make. They can then save, email, or print to 8. x 11 or 11 x 17.

The images for the app are 3 x 3 inches, at 300 dpi.

My question is - for functionality - will there need to be 2 sets of image -
one for screen, and one for print output?

Or can HTML5 handle many images at this size?

This is the link to the design tool we are building:



Ken g6

Programming Moderator, Elite Member
Dec 11, 1999
Personally, I wouldn't use Canvas for this. I'd add images to the DOM, position them absolutely, use server-side dynamic image scaling, mouse events in JavaScript, and CSS transforms for rotation. (How many versions of IE do you support? Apparently nothing before IE9, which works perfectly.)

If you do use canvas, though, images can be scaled client-side, which means you don't need different image sizes. But it also means your users need to download the full-size images for everything. I'd suggest thumbnails for at least some things, like an image gallery.