HP TOS (and other retailers)


Senior member
Jul 18, 2001
I just read a posting in the Hot Deals forum that stated HP was using the following disclaimer on their web site:
HP is not liable for pricing errors. If you place an order for a product that was incorrectly priced, we will cancel your order and credit you for any charges. In the event that we inadvertently ship an order based on a pricing error, we will issue a revised invoice to you for the correct price and contact you to obtain your authorization for the additional charge, or assist you with return of the product.
I have not found this message to exist on the HP web site (if you can find it please post a link), but I have found the folllowing caveat:
HPshopping.com reserves the right to change prices at any time [...] HPshopping.com reserves the right to decline or cancel orders at any time [...] Orders will be charged to your account upon acceptance.
For those interested I wanted to post the following:
Once a retailer accepts your order by charging your credit card for the price agreed upon for a good or service you and the retailer are in a legally binding contract - the retailer has promised to provide said good or service to you for the agreed upon price and you have agreed to pay said price for the said good or service.

However, if the retailer is unable to ship the item to you within the agreed upon delivery schedule then the retailer has the option to cancel the order if they then can not ship the item to you within 30 days from the date of receipt of the payment method.

The retailer is not allowed to charge any amount to your credit card once an item has shipped unless you have agreed to the charge (i.e. example for an invoiced order or a Sale on Approval, or the retailer did not charge you the agreed upon sale price until the time of shipping).

In the first quoted statement above, HP would be violating FTC policies to expect the buyer to pay an invoice for a revised amount after the item has shipped.

Shop safe, shop informed.