Since I can't find a decent job with my physics degree, I'm going to give IT a shot. I'm doing a Masters in Information Security back home (it's pretty damn easy, I should of went for a CE degree back in undergrad if I knew how easy this stuff was). There are some entry-level IT jobs opening around here, from IT help desk to entry-level network admin.
I hate dealing with customers. I've spent half of my 23 years on this earth doing customer service jobs. I'm trying to avoid all the help desk types of work as much as possible. I've never been in the IT industry before. Please info this ignorant ATOTer.
I hate dealing with customers. I've spent half of my 23 years on this earth doing customer service jobs. I'm trying to avoid all the help desk types of work as much as possible. I've never been in the IT industry before. Please info this ignorant ATOTer.