How to unlock CD burner software?


Senior member
Jul 2, 2002
This may be a dumb question, but I was wondering: can you unlock CD burning software? What I'm referring to is the free software that comes free with some CD-R drives is "locked" so it only recognizes that brand or particular drive. I got a Yamaha with EZCD Creator 4, and my wife likes the program. Well, 2 years later, the burner is too slow for me (16x), so I bought a 40X Sony from newegg, and I LOST the disk that it came with (stupid, I know). The EZCD4 SW says the Sony drive is "not supported."

Anyone know of any files that cam be modified to accept the new drive?


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2000
The software isn't "locked", it really doesn't recognize a brand new drive -- remember, v4 is several years old; your new drive didn't exist when it was made.

Roxio (they're supporting the software now) *might* have a patch that will allow it to recognize your drive...doubtful but worth a shot.



Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
Actually every burner from the past 5 years or more uses the same ATAPI command set to write CDs, so any 'locking' by the software is artificial for one reason or another. Usually it's either to prevent use of OEM software with hardware other than that which it was bought with (like the original poster is seeing) or it's to just be overly cautious when the software writer thought it might be bad to use his software with a drive it's never been tested on.

The only thing that might not work with standard ATAPI commands is burnproof and whatever the other 3+ variations of it are called, and if you have a fast enough PC it's largely irrelevant anyway.

I personally would just buy a copy of Nero, it's a much better piece of software anyway. But if you want to save the money, call newegg and see about getting a new copy of the media shipped to you.