So I scored some Xeon PIII 550Mhz/512K processors
unbelievably cheaply...Got them a week ago...Looked
fine to me (I've never dealt with Xeons before). They
have huge heatsinks on them. Seems reasonable
Today I took them out to install them in my server and...
ugh...Those heatsinks are WAY to big! The case can't
be closed with those heatsinks attached...
(I guess these Xeons must have been custom equipped for
some machine...part number on the heatsink is 2506935, if
that means anything to anyone).
Anyway, I have to remove the heatsinks and replace them
with standard sized Xeon heatsinks...I see four screws,
which obviously hold the heatsink in place. My question is:
Before I go ahead and mess something up, is there any
issue in removing the heatsink? Is it gonna be attached
with thermal paste or with tape? Does tape create any
issues with respect to pulling the heatsink off?
I know that pulling the heatsink voids the warranty
(but then again, there probably isn't a warranty anyway;
I doubt Intel attached these oversized heatsinks, though
I guess I don't know for sure)...
Help please...
Also, does anyone know of a cheap place to get Intel
(or equivalent quality) standard sized Xeon heatsinks?
I see a few places offering "PII Xeon heatsinks". Is
there any difference between a PII Xeon heatsink and
a PIII Xeon heatsink?
Thanks much,
unbelievably cheaply...Got them a week ago...Looked
fine to me (I've never dealt with Xeons before). They
have huge heatsinks on them. Seems reasonable
Today I took them out to install them in my server and...
ugh...Those heatsinks are WAY to big! The case can't
be closed with those heatsinks attached...
(I guess these Xeons must have been custom equipped for
some machine...part number on the heatsink is 2506935, if
that means anything to anyone).
Anyway, I have to remove the heatsinks and replace them
with standard sized Xeon heatsinks...I see four screws,
which obviously hold the heatsink in place. My question is:
Before I go ahead and mess something up, is there any
issue in removing the heatsink? Is it gonna be attached
with thermal paste or with tape? Does tape create any
issues with respect to pulling the heatsink off?
I know that pulling the heatsink voids the warranty
(but then again, there probably isn't a warranty anyway;
I doubt Intel attached these oversized heatsinks, though
I guess I don't know for sure)...
Help please...
Also, does anyone know of a cheap place to get Intel
(or equivalent quality) standard sized Xeon heatsinks?
I see a few places offering "PII Xeon heatsinks". Is
there any difference between a PII Xeon heatsink and
a PIII Xeon heatsink?
Thanks much,