How to make an FPS, according to Cracked

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Sep 28, 2002
yeah but i feel PART of the reason that level design is on rails is because the time it takes to create the enviornment; unless you literally have the equivalent where all the rooms are the' won't get the same level of production values...

and truth be told, most people PREFER shooter on rails with many cutscenes than the memorize where everything is (I actually don't prefer that, i loved how i could literally memorize a map back in the old days of doom...although the actual game was pretty bland - get 3 colored keys, unlock door)


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
The last good FPS I've played was S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, and in my humble opinion the only way any FPS game can succeed especially nowadays is to be PC-exclusive AND to have an official editor for the community to temper with and create tons of modifications. That's what PC gaming is about, giving and creating options to and for the players, so that you can play the game "as is" (vanilla, unmodified), and then explore new possibilities later on to keep the replay value virtually infinite.

And I'm not speaking about a measly editing tool to just be able to create new textures, I'm talking about something on the level of Bethesda's editor (possibilities-wise), in which talented/imaginative people can (if they can indeed) literally create their own expansion pack or combine multiple modifications into one. Give me FPS games like that, FPS games that can be modified and are PC-exclusive, and suddenly I will start "forgetting" about the seemingly nostalgia-driven desires to play FPS games that were released anywhere between five to ten years ago. In the meantime I'm still happy launching either the original DOOM or Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, or Tribes or Unreal Tournament '99.

The "most recent" FPS games I've bought were Battlefield 2 and Bad Company 2, and I guess I can include Prey and Quake IV in there as well as being "recent" (of course the definition of what is recent is subjective here), amongst a few others, and even though I liked them for a time I just don't have the desire to come back regularly to play them again, but I have absolutely no difficulty whatsoever in launching FPS games that are literally a decade older on a regular basis, even if they weren't (nor aren't still today) modifiable back then, heck I even have the original Halo installed and I play that one more often than any of my more recent FPS'es, and it's a console port for crying out loud.

I just haven't played any really good FPS since SoC and that's a almost four years-old by now (and yes I liked Clear Sky and CoP but I still prefer SoC). The quality of FPS games over time since the past decade or so has indeed decreased dramatically, in my opinion, and only a very small number of exceptions stand out, every now and then.
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Jan 8, 2010
Come on. BFG was the bomb! Maybe it is just nostalgia, but I have much fonder memories of deathmatches back in those days than anything recent.

Honestly, I think the opinions are going to based on what you play a FPS for. For me, some games are just much more suited for their multiplayer than their singleplayer. Doom 3 for instance, I played the single player and loved it, tried the MP once or twice and thought it sucked. It was the same with the first Halflife (granted later mods came out that would change this). But like say COD4 - I never touched the single player and only played the multiplayer, because that's what I got it for.

If we break it down on a multiplayer only level:

Doom II: The first I played it was what it was...many many many hours just 1v1 occasionally we'd even get 4 ppl!
Hexen/Heretic: Couldn't get into them (can't even remember if these were mp)
Quake: Loved it.
*Team Fortress - I realized I loved that type of thing, more to come)
Duke Nukem 3D: Didn't find this as fun as Quake
Quake 2: Hated it. With a passion
Unreal Tournament: Didn't play
Unreal Tournament 2: Loved it
*Tactical Ops - Loved it
HalfLife (multi) - Hated it - I did like CS when I actually got around to trying it
Quake 3 - Was better than Q2 but still liked UT2/3 better
Halflife 2 (multi) - Hated it
*TF2 - Hate it with a passion. This is not TF..I'm sorry to the fanboys.
COD4 - I played alot of it, I considered this good, but nearly as addicting as I remember the old ones being
(in here I was playing Eve, overseas, and on the road alot, so not alot of FPS..I think I played BF 1942, but for all you could do, it just seemed pointless and no teamwork for something that was supposed to be team based).
BCBC2 - Trying it, but same as BF1942

I know I probably missed some there, but those are the ones that stand out in my mind. My guess though is that everyone's opinion of the list above will vary to some degree depending on tastes. That is my overall point.

Maybe I'm just getting old. I can feel the arthritis kicking in when I twitch to fire :p


Jun 23, 2001
Come on. BFG was the bomb! Maybe it is just nostalgia, but I have much fonder memories of deathmatches back in those days than anything recent.

Honestly, I think the opinions are going to based on what you play a FPS for. For me, some games are just much more suited for their multiplayer than their singleplayer. Doom 3 for instance, I played the single player and loved it, tried the MP once or twice and thought it sucked. It was the same with the first Halflife (granted later mods came out that would change this). But like say COD4 - I never touched the single player and only played the multiplayer, because that's what I got it for.

If we break it down on a multiplayer only level:

Doom II: The first I played it was what it was...many many many hours just 1v1 occasionally we'd even get 4 ppl!
Hexen/Heretic: Couldn't get into them (can't even remember if these were mp)
Quake: Loved it.
*Team Fortress - I realized I loved that type of thing, more to come)
Duke Nukem 3D: Didn't find this as fun as Quake
Quake 2: Hated it. With a passion
Unreal Tournament: Didn't play
Unreal Tournament 2: Loved it
*Tactical Ops - Loved it
HalfLife (multi) - Hated it - I did like CS when I actually got around to trying it
Quake 3 - Was better than Q2 but still liked UT2/3 better
Halflife 2 (multi) - Hated it
*TF2 - Hate it with a passion. This is not TF..I'm sorry to the fanboys.
COD4 - I played alot of it, I considered this good, but nearly as addicting as I remember the old ones being
(in here I was playing Eve, overseas, and on the road alot, so not alot of FPS..I think I played BF 1942, but for all you could do, it just seemed pointless and no teamwork for something that was supposed to be team based).
BCBC2 - Trying it, but same as BF1942

I know I probably missed some there, but those are the ones that stand out in my mind. My guess though is that everyone's opinion of the list above will vary to some degree depending on tastes. That is my overall point.

Maybe I'm just getting old. I can feel the arthritis kicking in when I twitch to fire :p

Wait, you didn't play UT99?


Jan 8, 2010
Now that you mention it, yes, but it was brief for whatever reason and I think 2k came out shortly after I started playing it so I went to that...

Actually...who knows, I might have them mixed up ;p Kinda foggy there.
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Diamond Member
Oct 21, 2006
The problem with modern FPS single player games is that they're trying too hard to make them realistic in one aspect, and interesting in another. Let's face it, no video game FPS is going to be both perfectly realistic and actually fun. After all, you're one person taking on the world. I don't care if you have a dozen squad members "helping" you; unless they can literally rush ahead and finish every mission on their own even if you decide not to move an inch from the starting location, it's all about you.

With that said, current FPS games are trying hard to take out some of the aspects of older games that made them horribly unbelievable. The problem is, some of those horribly unbelievable aspects are also what gave us so many hours of fun. Consider the following:

Developer: "Let's give the player NINE different weapons to use in this game! They'll never get bored when they can choose from a huge array of weapons to kill their opponents with."

Player: "Hey this game is great, but how come I can carry so many weapons? Wouldn't I fall over from all of the weight?"

Developer: "Ok, for our next game, you can only carry two weapons at once. It'll make the weight limitations more realistic, and the players will need to think harder about what they want to carry into each situation. We'll work on giving the AI a good boost too so it doesn't seem like they're running around shooting idiots that will stand next to a live grenade."

Player: "Wtf I can only carry two weapons?! Fine, I guess I'll just grab the 600 pound mini gun that should be mounted on a helicopter that takes an hour to reload and the 500 pound rocket launcher that has extremely rare ammo. Hey how come I can see numbers for my health? In REAL war I'd never see that. This game is soooooooo unrealistic!"

Developer: "Ok, new idea: let's make the player's screen look like we spilled red Koolaid on it to symbolize blood, and then have it slowly disappear if they haven't taken damage for a while! It'll be a LOT more realistic than seeing red numbers at the bottom of the screen for your 'health.'"

Player: "WTF! If I turn up the difficulty too high I just die as soon as I stand up and run around like an idiot. This game is too hard! And how come if I hide and don't get shot for a while all the blood goes away? LOL SOOOO UNREALISTIC!"

Developer: "I know how to fix this! Let's add VEHICLES and VEHICLE COMBAT into our next game. Everyone likes to ride around on a motorcycle or snowmobile firing a pistol and taking out targets over 100 meters away, despite the bumps, vibrations, and not aiming down the sights, right? They'll be so amazed, they won't even care about auto-regenerating health."

Player: "The motorcycle level is soooooo stupid. All I get to use is a pistol and I want to blow things up with a rocket launcher! I hate this game, I'm going to go play Doom like the good old days!"

Developer: "Hmm, maybe if we let the player carry more guns... like 50 of them! We'll have to make the AI harder to compensate, but then the players will just die too much. Perhaps if we added in a health bar and health packs..."
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Oct 10, 1999
Ehh ... I prefer games where you can carry all the weapons, arena style combat, health and armor are shown in points, 100% accuracy & dabage while jumping or running....

All the modern FPS games seem to lack that.
Also they have cutscenes. When I want to watch a fvcking movie I go to my home theater and watch a damn movie. When I'm playing games I want to fvcking PLAY, not WATCH. grrr
That said, Far Cry was rather awesome.

But, my favorites were Half Life and Quake 2 probably. At least I played them the most ......


Junior Member
Jan 8, 2011
The biggest problem with the FPS' in the picture is that they are all trying to emulate the success of CoD4. IMO CoD4 was a great game. Revolutionized its particular sub-genre, that is 'Realistic' FPS. What has happend since CoD4's release is that this genre has become far more popular, its almost killed your old school Doom/Quake/Unreal type FPS game now.

The games alot of us love to hate these days. Call of Duty, Battlefield and Medal of Honor have become so dominant, possibly due to consoles and the amount of money in console gaming, that they have all but wiped out other FPS sub-genres, and sadly they are all pretty much the same game.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2009
they why arent all of you playing doom and Quake instead of any newer fps. STOP BUYING NEW GAMES THEN! if the old ones are sooo superior


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2008
they why arent all of you playing doom and Quake instead of any newer fps. STOP BUYING NEW GAMES THEN! if the old ones are sooo superior

I'll continue to watch new movies that come out that interest me. That wont change the fact that the best movie I've ever seen is Shawshank Redemption.