How to install a blowhole in the side of the case?


Aug 17, 2000
I found articles on installing a blowhole on the top, but does anyone have any info on installing one in the side?


Senior member
Sep 11, 2000
Well you need to take all the measurements first. Distance from top of case to CPU, distance that the PSU sticks out (unless you have a full tower, then you don't need to worry about it).
Distance that the drive bays are from right hand side etc etc.

Transfer all these measurements on the the case side pannel and then find the ideal place for the blowhole(s). Mark out the fan size, eg 80mm*80mm, and use a compass to make a circle for the fan. Mark the holes for the screws.

Next use tape or bluetak and stick the fan on the side pannel (if you have the fan that is).
Put the pannel back on and remove the other side pannel and look through. You should be able to see the fan stuck on the pannel. Check if it is over the right spot etc.

Take the pannel off. Use a metal holesaw or jigsaw with metal blade or a dremel and cut the hole that you so carfully marked out. Clean the hole up with slandpaper and a file. Drill the holes for the screews or blots and mount the fan.

Do the electrical work and stick you case back together.

Well done ;)