How to increase sales?


Jan 8, 2002
I currently work in the wireless phone industry selling T-Mobile, AT&T, Nextel, and Spring to people. I am currently located inside of a super center kinda market like wal-mart.

Anyways, we recently had to make a few cut backs due to I guess not being able to keep up with the quota.

Do you guys have any good tips to provide a sales man like me with?

Anything will do.

I'll tell you what I usually do, if a customer approaches the kiosk I greet them with saying something like, "Hello, how are you?" If they reply back "Good, etc etc." I then ask them if they are interested in getting a new cell phone. If they say yes I usually tell them about the current specials and rate plans. If they say no and they say they already have one I usually ask them if they are looking for any accessories for their phone.

Can anyone give me some good sales pointers? Please!

Also forgot to mention that we don't have a lot of phones in stock right now and I think this is what is killing us the most. Majority of the other shops have all the new phones in and have good stock of what they order. As for us we are still making do with the Nokia 3390 and the Samsung R225 free phones.

Any advice is appreciated.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2000
Free current top of the line phones and accesories with activation to get them to the booth.


Oct 30, 2001
if your phones are free, remind your customers of that. ues the strengths of what you have, not your weaknesses. and dont be too pushy. people who will buy from you tend to want to be lured in gently, so they can have an excuse later for the wife :Q


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2002
At least in terms of the consumer, and I know you guys dont have this technoligy accessable but...

Display the hottest technoligy at the front of the display, eg the phones with digital cameras, web, color screen, etc. to wow the customers. Then that will get them thinking that their old school monochrome phones need upgrading to the expensive color models (which increase your profits).