How to convince my GF to move far away from home...


Mar 30, 2001
This is kind of a continuation of this thread. I have talked to my GF about moving if I am offered a job in Portland, and she seems to be dead set against going.
I see going as the only way to advance my career and move forward in life, but she doesn't want to move away from her current job that she enjoys or 2000 miles away from her family.
I can't think of any convincing argument for why she would enjoy living there. Basicaly the whole thing would be for my advancement and she would kind of get the shaft, and I don't want to do that to her.
I am stuck at a roadblock as to what to do.


Edit: My GF and I have been together almost 5 1/2 years, its a very serious relationship. It isn't like I have been dating her for 3 weeks and then asked her to move cross country with me.


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2003
Do what you feel. Do you love her and want to start a family? If so stay. Is your job the most important to you at this point in your life? If so go for it.


Apr 19, 2005
There will always be more girls in your life, its either chanin yourself to her here, or leave and take and go forward.

Another things is fine things from there that you can do. Take her to the city, show her around, fine things you like, put money aside so she can fly back to her family, find out if her job can tranfer her to said city, ect ect


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2002
Originally posted by: CrackRabbit
This is kind of a continuation of this thread. I have talked to my GF about moving if I am offered a job in Portland, and she seems to be dead set against going.
I see going as the only way to advance my career and move forward in life, but she doesn't want to move away from her current job that she enjoys or 2000 miles away from her family.
I can't think of any convincing argument for why she would enjoy living there. Basicaly the whole thing would be for my advancement and she would kind of get the shaft, and I don't want to do that to her.
I am stuck at a roadblock as to what to do.


Take a look at your argument, reverse it. Thats why she doesn't want to move, because she's probably in a job that will advance her career.

I don't think it's got anything to do with moving away from home..

So whats the problem here.

Edit: She's just a girlfriend man, you're not married. I'd NEVER ask my girlfriend to move with me if she didn't want to.



Mar 30, 2001
Originally posted by: RyanSengara

Take a look at your argument, reverse it. Thats why she doesn't want to move, because she's probably in a job that will advance her career.

I don't think it's got anything to do with moving away from home..

So whats the problem here.

Edit: She's just a girlfriend man, you're not married. I'd NEVER ask my girlfriend to move with me if she didn't want to.

That is the crux of the matter, with her current job she has advanced very quickly because she is good at what she does. But the company has a site in the Portland area that I am pretty sure she could transfer to with no problems, but she may not be able to keep her position, senority or respect she has earned here.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
sounds like this is more of a permanent situation, but my girlfriend recently moved from Texas to Nebraska for a 2 year position, while I'm still at Texas A&M finishing my senior year, and maybe going somewhere else for graduate was the only job opportunty she got..i originally told her i didn't want to date if she moved farther away; after much deliberation i decided to stay with her although she promised to move to where I am when her position ends; i'm still not sure if its the right chioce i made i guess I'll find out in a couple years


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
I have been there and done that. 20 years ago I convinced my then gf to drop her career and move 2,000 miles away from her family so I could take a job I wanted. It was the worst decision we ever made. She has never forgiven me for losing her career aspirations, and I was burdened with a wife that wasn't satisfied with anything I tried to do.

Take my advice, you must do what is right for you and your career if that is important to you, but do not try to convince your GF to do anything against her desire, it will haunt you for the rest of your life.


Oct 9, 1999
Find a job/career where you are. Her family is there, and probably yours too, right? She's settled in in her job/career, and is happy there. Having family nearby is HUGE. Why upset things if you don't have to?


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
You guys just have to split up.

You won't compromise and neither will she.

Happens all the time. So do what you gotta do.

Do you really wanna be with such a selfish woman who doesn't consider what is in the best interest of both of you instead of herself all the time? You guys aren't married so find another one.

-edit- If my SO wouldn't move with me then I'd be thinking very seriously about dumping her. I think you girl just showed her true colors and you should be seriously reevaluating if it should go on or not.


Senior member
Dec 22, 2000
we went we're home....its so much nicer being around makes everything easier....


Platinum Member
Dec 28, 2001
Originally posted by: CrackRabbit
Originally posted by: RyanSengara

Take a look at your argument, reverse it. Thats why she doesn't want to move, because she's probably in a job that will advance her career.

I don't think it's got anything to do with moving away from home..

So whats the problem here.

Edit: She's just a girlfriend man, you're not married. I'd NEVER ask my girlfriend to move with me if she didn't want to.

That is the crux of the matter, with her current job she has advanced very quickly because she is good at what she does. But the company has a site in the Portland area that I am pretty sure she could transfer to with no problems, but she may not be able to keep her position, senority or respect she has earned here.

They don't have strip clubs where your moving? :p


Oct 20, 2004
You say you don't want to give her the shaft, but you DO, or you wouldn't be trying to convince her of anything.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: D1gger
Originally posted by: Anubis
Originally posted by: OrneryHaving family nearby is HUGE.
i dissagree with that 100%, ideally id like a 12 hour (drive) buffer between myself and my parents
You got that right!
If you live near your parents, and don't want to see them, you don't have to. If your wife and kids live hundreds of miles from their parents/grandparents, and want to see them, it's a huge hassle. Women ALWAYS want to be near their parents and family.


Golden Member
Sep 4, 2004
No matter what they say in the movies about not sacrificing your love life for your career.

Its not true.

Go for the job.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: Ornery
Originally posted by: D1gger
Originally posted by: Anubis
Originally posted by: OrneryHaving family nearby is HUGE.
i dissagree with that 100%, ideally id like a 12 hour (drive) buffer between myself and my parents
You got that right!
If you live near your parents, and don't want to see them, you don't have to. If your wife and kids live hundreds of miles from their parents/grandparents, and want to see them, it's a huge hassle. Women ALWAYS want to be near their parents and family.

i grew up 5 hours from my dads nearest relative and 15 from my moms, its was glorious, both my parents liked it that way also


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2003
Originally posted by: Ornery

  1. There are no positives, only negatives, especially at $2.50 per gallon now!
If you search around, you can find $2.86 per gallon around here.

You can find girls in Portland who shave NOTHING. Is that not incentive enough to move and see if she follows??!