How to be happy? =(


Apr 6, 2001
I'm having problems here guys...

Everyday I find myself less and less happy.....And it's getting to the point where I just don't care about anything anymore....I'm finding myself unable to tolerate the little things that I used to fend off so easily....I seem to be very volatile when it comes to emotion....If something pisses me off, I get very angry; and I don't like it......It's like something inside me snapped and the person I've repressed (not a nice person) for so long has come out to play....I dunno what's up here guys....

I think it all started when I broke up w/ my now ex-girlfriend about three or four months ago....At the time I was beggining to feel this way....And then I was sad because I lost a wonderful person......And could never have it back, so I said things that should never be said to anyone.....Then another girl came into my life.....And we were together for a few weeks before I broke it off...I just didn't feel for her the same way as she did me.....And I didn't want to drag her into my life and my roller-coaster emotions....

So I dunno what to do with myself anymore.... :(

All I've been able to do is go out with friends and pretend I'm happy......But once I'm home, I go into a state of confusion and the inability to smile about anything.... :(

Maybe it's time to give up...


Diamond Member
Jul 9, 2001
it sounds like depression and it's VERY common and VERY devastating. please see a doctor about this, as you should never have to feel this way :)


Senior member
Dec 24, 2000
Since it has been going on for a little while, I would see a doctor.

Do you find anything fun at all? If not, try to find new things to do...Like skydiving, or something that you might have always wanted to try.


Apr 3, 2001
i watch star trek when im blue, find something that you like and that can take you away from your problems and misery for a little while. i hope you feel better :D


Sep 10, 2001
the easiest way to be happy? just try putting a smile on your face :) it'll do wonders :) see? :)
My GF went through a period of depression. Seek a counselor. Talk to people. Friends, family, whatever. Sounds like you really liked the girl and now you miss her. Seems like you may be feeling like there is a void in your life. Keep yourself busy. Find a hobby that you really like (apart from ATOT :) ) Smileys do wonders don't they?

Anyways, just find something to be happy about and focus on that. Focus on all of the things in your life that are good. Don't sweat the other stuff. There's no reason in anyone's life to be stressed or upset over something. Not because of these past weeks events but just in general. I've changed who I am by believing that there is nothing in this world worth being upset about. This is not to mean a stance of being completely apathetic about things. It just means that whether or not it is work, school, or girl related, sure it's fine to be sad. But then always remember that there are other things out there that are enjoyable too. :)


Apr 6, 2001
Thanks guys..

Deep down inside, I know you're all right about this crap....I've gone through it before, gotten over it, but now I'm back in that same crap-ass place.....Unfortunately, I resort to marijuana to make me forget about problems and emotions.....I know it's a bad thing to do, but hey, it makes me happy for a few hours of the day..... :( damn....


Senior member
Apr 2, 2000
Sorry to hear that. We all have our bad days, but sometimes it lasts too damned long and we can't seem to get over it.

Some say it's due to our attachment to things... material possessions. Desire causes misery.
Others say it's due to our distance from God.

Right now in the US we've all gotten a heavy reality check in that what we once thought could never happen to us, has.

You say this started when you broke up with your GF. I'm sure you did things together that made you have all kinds of joyful emotion, and you no longer have that.

Between studying Philosophy in school and having a religious upbringing, I strive to base my life on four principles: Love, Believe, Serve, Forgive. If I can do that I feel I'm making a difference and being part of the solution instead of part of the problem.


Senior member
Aug 9, 2001
i've gone through a state of period like this before... didn't see a doctor however, but did try depressants... they worked for a bit, very tiny bit though, but they were also expensive. i then started to do a lot of things to keep me busy, to keep my mind off from thinking stuff, exercise, go online, read for classes, and actually read ahead for classes, watch movies, comedies, TV, or whatnot... just try to keep yourself busy, keep your mind busy from thinking, then you shouldn't be as depressed at least.
i don't think marijuana is the way to go tho.... true it makes you happy for a few hours, but isn't the emotion actually a bit worse once you're sober from it??


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2001
Maetryx here, :cool:

I've got a mundane suggestion, but it's kind of "proven" to work.

Clean your house. Organize the hell out of it. Do all the laundry and dishes. Take all the garbage/recyclables out. Maybe get a file cabinet and organize all the paperwork you've got laying around. Put labels on the diskettes, CDs, and VHS tapes you've made. Dust the furniture and electronics, then vacuum the carpets.

Anyway, if you get your physical surroundings bright, organized, and clean, it WILL affect your immediate outlook on life. Think how cool it would be to start a new fun hobby, or finish a languishing project in such a nice organized environment?

Anyway, a little bit of discipline on your part for a few hours will pay off for days, if not weeks. It changes your outlook on life to have a clean, organized base of operations for all the important stuff you *really* want to do.

Then, if you like the results, consider getting the book Time Management for Dummies. That helped me to get moving in the right direction at work after I inherited a whole bunch of new responsibilities.

Good luck. Don't do anything permanent as a solution to a temporary setback, got it? There's a zillion people here that would give you their phone number if you can't find someone local.


Jul 31, 2001
what ya need is a good humpin. that solve a whole lotta problems. if not go to a doc. and if that still doesn't help, hump the doc. that always solves the probs.


Sep 2, 2000
If I had the money, the thing that would make me happy would be buying a Suburu WRX and taking it to the track..


Jul 1, 2001

<< Maetryx here, :cool:

I've got a mundane suggestion, but it's kind of "proven" to work.

Clean your house. Organize the hell out of it. Do all the laundry and dishes. Take all the garbage/recyclables out. Maybe get a file cabinet and organize all the paperwork you've got laying around. Put labels on the diskettes, CDs, and VHS tapes you've made. Dust the furniture and electronics, then vacuum the carpets.

Anyway, if you get your physical surroundings bright, organized, and clean, it WILL affect your immediate outlook on life. Think how cool it would be to start a new fun hobby, or finish a languishing project in such a nice organized environment?

Just don't over-do the cleaning! We wouldn't want you to go right from having depression to having an obsessive-complusive disorder! :)


Elite Member
Nov 5, 2000
What you're going through is very common! Talk to your friends and family about it. Chances are, they've been through it and can help. Don't bottle up those emotions. That won't solve the problem. Talk to a counselor. They're trained to help people through these situations. If all else fails, let a stranger lend an ear. Feel free to pm me if you'd like.

Something else you could try is make a list. What bothers you? What makes you feel good? Write out what you're feeling. You'd be amazed at what you can discover when you start putting into words thoughts and feelings. Try buying yourself something nice, or thinking one happy thougt an hour/day/whenever, just make it a regular happy thopught.

Hope this helps.

<< .....Unfortunately, I resort to marijuana to make me forget about problems and emotions >>

Don't. That will only make things worse, not better. Covering up what's bothering you will *not* make the problem go away. It will just hide it for a while.


Sep 10, 2001

<< Thanks guys..

Deep down inside, I know you're all right about this crap....I've gone through it before, gotten over it, but now I'm back in that same crap-ass place.....Unfortunately, I resort to marijuana to make me forget about problems and emotions.....I know it's a bad thing to do, but hey, it makes me happy for a few hours of the day..... :( damn....

alright man. lay off the MJ ;) i used to do that. or even resorted to drinking a bottle of wine a day. the 750ml size. I'm no alcoholic but I knew if I continued it could've been alot worse. plus you should save that dough for something like a new toy. :) did you try smiling yet? :)

have you resorted to pigging out yet? :)



Apr 6, 2001
Thanks a lot guys.......I guess happiness is just a state of mind....

I'm 18 btw guys.....It doesn't help that my damn mom bitches me out about stupid crap.......She got mad because I got my ears pierced.....Then she got mad because I got my tongue pierced....Then she gets mad when my music's too loud, or my room is dirty, or whenever I dont bend over backwards to please the whole goddamned world! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I hate my family!


May 28, 2001
Dude, I would lay off mary. I know that i'm sounding like a hypocrite(look at sig ;)) but it shouldn't be used as an escape of life's problems. Have you tried writing about how you feel. I'm 15 and have gone through stuff like that, and for me writting always helped.
Hope this helps man, if you want someone to talk to you can always PM me


Apr 6, 2001
In fact, I do write.......Many of the AT'ers have read my stuff....

Men can cry - by x3ro

As I look up to the sky
I pray to myself,
That I can answer why;
Why my life's such sh*t
How the f*ck can I go on,
Constantly putting up with it....
I dont think I can....
But I sure as hell try...
Waving a dreaded fist,
Towards a threatening sky...
Looking myself in the mirror...
Asking myself why......
Why do I put up with myself......
Why am I not gone?
What did I do to deserve this?
What could I have possibly done?
I know I'm not perfect,
But hell, I try....
I know I'm a man,
But men can cry...


Elite Member
Nov 5, 2000
Another viewpoint, if you will. Did you think to consult your mom before getting your ears pierced? If not, how come? Put yourself in her shoes. Wouldn't you freak and be more than a little bit hurt that you weren't informed? Sometimes it's just little stuff. if you feel like you need more space, talk to your family about it. You might be suprised.


Apr 6, 2001
Az, that's great and all, but she has absolutely NO right to try and tell me she has a say in what I can get done to my body......The State of Texas says that I'm 18, I no longer need consent from my mom for any piercing and/or tattoo.....And that's that! :|:frown:


Jun 3, 2001

<< Az, that's great and all, but she has absolutely NO right to try and tell me she has a say in what I can get done to my body......The State of Texas says that I'm 18, I no longer need consent from my mom for any piercing and/or tattoo.....And that's that! :|:frown: >>

Just because you don't legally need consent from her, doesn't mean she magically doesn't care about you anymore when you turn 18. She probably still wants to know what your doing. Especially if you still live with her (which I imagine you do)


Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2001
I've been way pissed off more then ever for the past few weeks. First I lost my internet, my family was pissing me off more then ever, then the WTC shiste. Then I got to thinking about how much I really hate my friends, and how fake they are, and how they just do crap to try to be "cool". Then today I got my internet back, I ordered this and my family just isn't bothering me anymore (well they are bothering me, but it doesn't bother me, if that makes sense). And I also went out to lunch with a hot chick that i've liked for a while.

So although things are looking up, it still bothers me that I hate my friends. I mean I don't even have a friend anymore where I can call them up and be like, lets go do something. I can't stand my friends they're all so fake and just idiots. My old best friend is a drummer and a major musician and all he does is music things and never has time for anything else so we don't even do anything anymore, allthough he is really cool. I have lots of friends at school, but nobody that I want to go and do something with. Oh and also, the only thing that I really WANT to do is go ride my motorcycle offroad, and none of my friends have bikes.

Man my friends suck, I just need to hook up with that girl, that'll give me something to do.


Senior member
Apr 2, 2000
whoisx3ro, do you pay rent? Help pay the bills? If yes, I can understand why you're upset. And if no, I can still understand why you're upset ;)

Seriously, not saying you don't, but have respect for your parents. You'll miss it when they're/you're gone! Don't take your mother for granted. She only gives you a hard time because she cares about you and loves you, I'm sure.

You're 18? You want to rebel against authority and it seems like everyone is out to get you. But you've got money to toke up or find some way to kick back with it and chill, what is there to get so down about? You need to find something (or someone) to channel that energy and aggression or whatever it is you want to call it.

Are you in good shape? If not, exercise and workout. Find a new hobby. Play some sports. Read a book. Call a friend and watch a movie or just sit with them and talk.

If you've got time to spark a fattie, you've got time to tell you're mom thank you and I love you.


Jul 7, 2001
well therapy sounds like the best long term solution for this. best short term.... probably sports... they're a good way to work out anger.


Jul 31, 2001

<< well therapy sounds like the best long term solution for this. best short term.... probably sports... they're a good way to work out anger. >>

or if you're gopunk. masturbate feverishly ujtil you have expelled the bad "joojoo"