How Obama Decides to Send Drones to Kill Americans

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Senior member
Nov 13, 2012
Don't blame me. I voted for Jack Bauer.

Take a Rare Look at How Obama Decides to Send Drones to Kill Americans

Human rights advocates were floored on Monday night when NBC News published the details of an alarming Justice Department memo detailing the protocol for sending drones after United States citizens.<snip> Put simply, the government believes that a lethal drone attack against an American citizen is justified if the targets are a) "senior operational leaders" of al-Qaeda or b) "an associated force."
But what does "an associated force" mean? <snip> Quite unfortunately, the government isn't exactly sure. The memo suggests that anyone who "present an 'imminent' threat of violent attack against the United States" qualifies for assassination "a lawful killing in self defense," but that "does not require the United States to have clear evidence that a specific attack on U.S. persons and interests will take place in the immediate future." In other words, an "informed, high-level" official can order the killing of any American citizen that was "recently" involved in threatening "activities." As Isikoff points out, the memo fails to define both of those terms.

Tis a repost (see link in post #3 below) -Admin DrPizza
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Apr 27, 2012
I am absolutely disgusted by obama, This is wrong and highly un-Constitutional. The government has no right to do this

Shame on that piece of shit obama for allowing this to happen


Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
Don't blame me. I voted for Jack Bauer.

Jack Bauer is a big part of why we get presidents like Barack Obomney. People need to turn off the frickin television and unplug from the propaganda. Yes, every single tv show helps the system enslave you.

If I could explain exactly how this is accomplished on such a massive scale, we wouldnt have this problem. Once you've been unplugged from that crap for a while you can more easily understand how it works the way it does. But when you're in it trust me you havent the slightest chance of comprehending. Just get out. Or prepare for the next obomney, whatever floats yer boat. But the next one they shove up your butt is going to be dipped in battery acid.


Senior member
Nov 13, 2012
But the next one they shove up your butt is going to be dipped in battery acid.

Ouch. Some people do need to be taken out when the system as it is cannot reach them. I don't want that to be official policy, though.


Feb 1, 2008
I AM OUTRAGED! OUTRAGED!!!! OUtrage! outraaa! ouuuu! .... zzzzzzzzz
What were we talking about again? what music are you listening too right now?


Jun 24, 2003
It's a good system. The drone program is the biggest advance in warfare since... I don't even know what to compare it to. We risk no lives but have dismantled several major terror networks and severely limited the operations of dozens of others. Drones hunt for Koni in Africa and kill Al Qaeda in Pakistan.

If you're an American citizen making war on the US, you don't deserve any more protection than a non-citizen.


Nov 9, 2000
It's a good system. The drone program is the biggest advance in warfare since... I don't even know what to compare it to. We risk no lives but have dismantled several major terror networks and severely limited the operations of dozens of others. Drones hunt for Koni in Africa and kill Al Qaeda in Pakistan.

If you're an American citizen making war on the US, you don't deserve any more protection than a non-citizen.

I am all for offing terrorists... However drones tend to cause a lot of collateral damage. Using them outside an established war zone does not make sense. And the issue is also the wording of this memo. The government can shoot a missile and claim justification by the vague wording.

I can just imagine the lawsuits if a U.S. citizen who is a minor gets killed in a drone strike.
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