How much do you spend daily...


Golden Member
Jan 13, 2005
[ : Part One : ]

How much money do you spend a day on things you don't really need?

I don't mean gas, bus tickets, etc.

I mean on energy drinks, chips, candy bars, beer etc.

[ : Part B : ]

What amount do you think is acceptable?

I'm currently trying to get expenditures under control. Relatively speaking I guess I do alright. But in all honesty I spend way too much on basically nothing. I commute to work and school etc. all of which is at least 45 minutes away, and on my trips, I'll buy a newspaper, drinks etc. This adds up to my spending of around 5-10 dollars a day.

That's basically a pair of nice jeans a week. And at the week I'd really much rather have the jeans.

I'd like to spend nothing when I'm out running around most of the time. I need to grab a good lunch bag, and pack some apples and some bananas into it, and a decent water bottle.

In the end I'd eat better, feel better, and have more money. I'm slowly implementing this into my life but it's taking some painful time.

I'd like to know what other people think about the ways they spend.

And if you don't spend anything extra during the day most of the time, let us know how much you spend a week on junk, and how much you'd like to spend a week on junk.


Feb 16, 2003
A dollar at most... buying things that I don't need at random makes me feel guilty because it costs more than it would at a store in larger quantities, it's probably no healthy, and it shows a lack of planning and anticipation of the situation. The $$$ aspect doesn't drive it, but rather everything else I listed.

I don't spend more than a dollar each day on things I don't need, and that dollar is probably for a drink. I'm not stingy beyond all means and will eat out or something when I'm with others, but if it's just one of those "same sh!t, different day" kind of situations, I don't see the point is buying things you don't need.


Jun 24, 2003
I've spent over $1000 a month on eating\drinking out since I was like, 16.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Stop buying crap you don't need.

What do I spend daily on junk? Nothing. Daily the money goes to gas and food.

100/week on gas.
80/week on food.


Golden Member
Jan 11, 2003
Once upon a time, I stopped at Starbucks every morning on the way to work. After that cost started to add up, I switched to just grabbing an energy drink or two from a mini mart on the way in. Even that added up to more than I wanted, so I then put Costco to use and started buying Monster by the case. That worked fine until I finally got a little less lazy, spent $30 on a coffee maker at Costco, and now just brew up some caffeine before work.

So far, so good. Now to learn to do something for lunch other than the White Chocolate Grill in North Scottsdale. THAT one friggin adds up FAST.


Golden Member
Jan 13, 2005
Yea sounds like we've all been in similar boats.

And not buying crap is in no way related to being cheap.

I agree about the post purchase guilt and lack of planning. I don't care if you're a millionaire, there's no good reason for buying garbage daily.

I'm working on it.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Thoreau
Once upon a time, I stopped at Starbucks every morning on the way to work. After that cost started to add up, I switched to just grabbing an energy drink or two from a mini mart on the way in. Even that added up to more than I wanted, so I then put Costco to use and started buying Monster by the case. That worked fine until I finally got a little less lazy, spent $30 on a coffee maker at Costco, and now just brew up some caffeine before work.

So far, so good. Now to learn to do something for lunch other than the White Chocolate Grill in North Scottsdale. THAT one friggin adds up FAST.

The last few years, I paid $80 for coffee at work. This year, I spent $20 on a 1 cup coffee brewer with the little travel mug. It'll sit in my room at work next year, along with some good quality coffee. All I need now is a filter to hook up to one of the sinks in the lab and I'll be all set :)

Even averaged out, I don't spend much money per day on things that I don't need. The coffee maker is questionable, that was the most recent thing, and was from 2 weeks ago.

My wife and kids on the other hand...


Golden Member
Jan 13, 2005
If the coffee is just for you, I'd suggest getting a french press. As long as you have access to hot water and coffee grinds, you'll have coffee. Quick, cheap, delicious. Filters aren't even in question, quick and easy to clean, way smaller then a coffee machine.

French press is the way to go man. my .02 N-e-wAiZ


Golden Member
Jan 13, 2005
Ahh didn't notice you were already committed to the machine.

And I just spent another 1.25 on instant noodles. I really didn't need them but really wanted them.

Needless to say I got and ate those, instead of the half a dozen bananas and apples sitting on my table. And yes, I feel guilty and immature.


Jan 15, 2001
My wife and I have a 48 hour rule. If you want it, think about it for 2 days and then buy it unless it is something trivial like a drink. We don't drink carbonation though so that never happens either. We spend pretty much $0 on random stuff. Our last big expense was a $7 1-day park ticket to gain access to the hiking trails in the mountains.

We spend about $50 a month in gas between the 2 of us, $200 a month for good, and we eat out maybe once a month for ~$20. Other than that, it's pretty much the mortgage and all of the other bills. We save about 65% of our paychecks every month by doing this.


Nov 25, 2003
I used to buy vitamin water and soda during the day along with a small bag of chips. Now, I just bring a bottle of brita filtered water and some fruit.

So, before was about 4-8$ per day extraneous spending. Now, its usually 0-1$ extraneous spending (gotta have the occasional candy bar).


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2006
Everything I buy, I need.
If I didn't need them, then I wouldn't buy them.
I'm not exactly sure how you define "junk".


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
Each month I take out $150 in cash. That is my play money to do whatever I want. Whether it be eating out at lunch, buying something like a newspaper, or taking my GF out dancing. That works out to $5 a day. And I think that is a quite reasonable amount. $5 will get you something basic (cheap lunch, most of the cost of a movie, etc.) If I want to do something more expensive on a whim, I just skip the $5/day for a few days before or after.

Of course, I spend more on fun (like a vacation, or an electronic gadget). But these things I plan for, budget for, and are things that give me an extended value. These all go on the CC and aren't included in the $5/day.

I'm quite frugal. But I'm not frugal to the point of having a miserable life. A little treat here or there is far more valuable for my mental well-being than $5.


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2006
I don't take cash with me and never use my check card, so 0.

I buy gas, pay my parents for rent, pay car insurance, and other necessities, but that is all.


I don't eat out either.


Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2002
I don't buy anything on a daily basis. I do buy junk food every once in a while or Chinese take-out probably twice a month. I also slowly build my DVD collection so if I see a movie I like at a reasonable price I buy it. I don't worry about this kind of spending because you gotta treat yourself every once in a while, otherwise I'd go crazy.

The stuff I regret buying is the kind of stuff that I need, but don't use often. For example I spent $70 on dremel because I really needed it, but on average I use it 2 or 3 times a year. Or some tool set, wrenches, drills and drill bits, all of this stuff costs a lot and I don't use it much, but when I need it, I need it so I have no choice but buy it.


Oct 21, 2000
I think it's healthy when people cut back on that newspaper each morning or the latte on the way to work. But I think it gets ridiculous when you are too cheap to ever eat out with your coworkers or friends or if you'll stay thirsty rather than get that bottle of water after your run.