Originally posted by: Calculator83
Basically this is a pat on the shoulder Thread for those who stealz from the internet. Congrats Ya'll
FWIW, a lot of the stuff I download are anime fansubs so I don't have to wait two years to buy it here in the US. If I like the show, I'll buy the DVDs. If it doesn't have any rewatch value for me, I'll delete it. There are also some series that we'll probably never see here, for example some of the Macross licenses are a big mess. Geneon US recently went under and who knows if/when the shows they licensed will get released. I'll be one of the first in line to buy the R1 DVDs when they show up, but until then I'm going to download the shows.
Illegal? Probably, although it's kind of a gray area. "Wrong"? IMO, no. I also preview some albums, but again I buy stuff I like, delete the stuff I don't. The only thing I download with no intention of buying are imports that cost like $30-40+.