How many watts do I need for a power supply?

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Senior member
Dec 7, 2004
Gamingphreek Fry's had some Seagate 300 GB for 79.99 after rebate a few weeks ago, I think the cost of his hard drives is a mute point...


Sep 20, 2005
I don`t see Gamingphreak as trying to help out.

I also don`t see gamingphreak as knowing what he`s talking bout.

I personally have read other posts as well as this thread.

Gamingphreak appears to be a young kid who thinks or belives they know it all.

Possibly even a troll waiting for any opportunity to post a different or diverse opinion.

It is not helping the person posting to not answer the question that is being asked.

Instead the trolls start to ask questions and question the validity of what is being asked.

One question was asked.

It was concerniong a powersupply.

It had nothing to do with when ,where, how and what this person was asking the question.

Instead it broke down into the validity of having 100 harddrives.

What the price was of the harddrives.

Why 250 gig instead or 500 gig.

Okay I`m out.

I am taking my 5.4 gig western digital harddrive with me.



Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Originally posted by: INM8
I'm sorry Gamingphreek, but I think your whole original message reads: "your whole plan is wrong,you don't know what the hell you're talking about, and you're an idiot"

xtwells, you need to chill out big time. Gamingphreek has just being trying to help you out.

Sure you can:

It's the WAY GP is trying to "help" that's the question. I don't think anyone shows up here for help expecting to be talked down to, told stridently what they should or shouldn't do or berated for the choices they've made. GP comes off that way.


Senior member
Sep 20, 2005
Ok..i dont want to have any arguments. We should just forgot about whatever has been said and help xtwells with his problem. Ill remove...or edit my other post.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
I don?t see any arguments here. You were being disagreed with in your assessment that GP is ?just trying to help.? This happens sometimes.


Senior member
Oct 24, 2005
Anyhow, the one piece of good advice that was put in here would have to be when somebody said to go get a mobile ethernet/usb/firewire external piece..

I'm gonna consider it if I can find a 16-drive external one with a decent raid card built in..

Still would like it all in my case though.


Senior member
Sep 20, 2005
yes, i know there where no arguments. But i could see one coming...or a debate at least. Im tired...and i didnt want to start something i couldnt finish so i thought id quit before i got into anything. What i should have done is said nothing...ill remember that for next time :) Its too easy to get roped into personal to stay out IMO.

Its good to have different views on things, and i didnt think what you said was rude\aggressive in the slightest because it wasnt. In a way i can see your point, all i was saying is things go both ways.

Maybe ill make more sense in the morning.

Fullmetal Chocobo

Moderator<br>Distributed Computing
May 13, 2003
Originally posted by: xtwells
I was wondering if an OCZ Powerstream 600W would even be enough.. but I don't know for sure..


What processor are you running, and how much RAM? On my machine, I had 10 hard drives, and one would drop out every once in a while. Getting an UPS installed, and getting two PSUs fixed the problem. So if it was me, I would trust the OCZ 600w to power it.


Senior member
Oct 24, 2005
Okay cool I found a site where somebody has already modded the same case into dual power supply.. Based on pics, it doesn't even seem too much of a big deal.

Tower with dual power:


Only problem is if my PCI cards are very long, then this can't be done.

However, it seems to be that it is possible.

Also, looking at reviews, looks like I would go for a Seasonic S12 and a Zippy 600w or better...

Maybe dual Seasonic.. the price is good for those and the quality is decent I hear.

Fullmetal Chocobo

Moderator<br>Distributed Computing
May 13, 2003
Also, the Seasonic are very short. I have a lot of room for the left over cables on the 500 & 600. I went from a Enermax 660w & 460w to a Seasonic 500w & 600w. Haven't regretted it for a moment. Had problems here and there with the Enermaxs (went through 3 of the 460s), but haven't had a hiccup on the Seasonics.


Nov 25, 2003
Coolermaster Stacker

2 Power supplies. I would get 2 beefy PC Power Cooling ones and split the harddrives between the two.


Nov 26, 2004
Originally posted by: Zarubable
I don`t see Gamingphreak as trying to help out.

I also don`t see gamingphreak as knowing what he`s talking bout.

I personally have read other posts as well as this thread.

Gamingphreak appears to be a young kid who thinks or belives they know it all.

Possibly even a troll waiting for any opportunity to post a different or diverse opinion.

It is not helping the person posting to not answer the question that is being asked.

Instead the trolls start to ask questions and question the validity of what is being asked.

One question was asked.

It was concerniong a powersupply.

It had nothing to do with when ,where, how and what this person was asking the question.

Instead it broke down into the validity of having 100 harddrives.

What the price was of the harddrives.

Why 250 gig instead or 500 gig.

Okay I`m out.

I am taking my 5.4 gig western digital harddrive with me.



Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: nfamous
Originally posted by: Zarubable
I don`t see Gamingphreak as trying to help out.

I also don`t see gamingphreak as knowing what he`s talking bout.

I personally have read other posts as well as this thread.

Gamingphreak appears to be a young kid who thinks or belives they know it all.

Possibly even a troll waiting for any opportunity to post a different or diverse opinion.

It is not helping the person posting to not answer the question that is being asked.

Instead the trolls start to ask questions and question the validity of what is being asked.

One question was asked.

It was concerniong a powersupply.

It had nothing to do with when ,where, how and what this person was asking the question.

Instead it broke down into the validity of having 100 harddrives.

What the price was of the harddrives.

Why 250 gig instead or 500 gig.

Okay I`m out.

I am taking my 5.4 gig western digital harddrive with me.


Yes i am a troll who has been here for for 4 years and has posted almost 7000 posts. Still waiting to think up that controversial issue :roll: . Seems like someone got ahold of his parents computer and decided to act like a tough guy.

It's the WAY GP is trying to "help" that's the question. I don't think anyone shows up here for help expecting to be talked down to, told stridently what they should or shouldn't do or berated for the choices they've made. GP comes off that way.

I apologized for any talking down that might have been implied but it was not meant that way. I didn't tell them what they should or shouldn't do, and i didn't berate their choices. Sorry if it came across that way, but i was merely saying the IMO there was a better way to go about these things, doesn't bother me whether he adopts it or not.

I assume you are referring to the RAID answer i gave when referring to the talking down. Yes, i made a rash generalization, but take a poll of new people in this forum who come in here and ill guarantee you the 99% of the people who post about something like this decide to put it into a RAID-0 array. Sorry if you dont see where i am coming from but from years on this forum, i have seen more than my fair share of people posting things like that.

To conclude this little talking down thing, you act like 2 wrongs make a right or something. Perhaps he took my comments personally or something but his reply back to my attempt at helping him wasn't a biblical verse. He is far from being a little angel as you may portray him in contrast to me.

Finally, as for my knowledge. I would think that i have proved that i know what i am talking about. I dont know what issues i have listed that cannot be verified in some seems like someone (*cough*nfamous *cough* Zarubable *cough*) is the troll here who wants to incite problems.



Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2003
Lighten up GP. I have read many of your posts over in Video/GH and you post and mean well. No doubt about it!

Zarubable is a poop stirin' troll. She/he or whoever it is, bumps dead threads just to get things goin'. This asshat belongs over in OT or P&N. I by-pass all of the posts Ms.Bable types into this forum. This troll delights is starting a fight, then running away. A consumate coward of the highest degree=Attention whore! Don't feed it and it won't grow.

nfamous is just a lost boy on the playground, bored and looking for something to do. These children stand out with an eye piercing glare.

Anytime someone gets under my skin. I do a search of what they post. Way too many come up short of a full deck :laugh:



Diamond Member
May 31, 2004
i know you got the 15 sata 250gb harrdrive for $100 but you are doing professional video editing, why not go with a harrdrive scsi setup?


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
I apologized for any talking down that might have been implied but it was not meant that way. I didn't tell them what they should or shouldn't do, and i didn't berate their choices.

I think we had this discussion before. Just saying "No, no, I wasn't doing that!!!" doesn't invalidate the the observation that led to what I said. Also, I'm not the only one saying it. Which SHOULD trigger some self-reflection, yes? Two things:

1. I do PC support for a living, and that includes personal questions about gaming rigs and water. If I took your posture when dealing with my users I'd be out of a job.

2. This, meaning PC's, is a hobby for MANY people. As such, people ARE going to try unorthodox configurations, just for love of trying something cool. Not every rig has to meet your standards for veracity.

Look at this:

An uncompressed 30min movie should not take up 300GB. I have 2x 160s in my HTPC and i can store hours and hours of movies on there in MPEG 2. And uncompressed movie will not take up much more.

Additionally, why are you keeping uncompressed movies. YOu cant watch them at a decent speed or anything.

Finally you shouldn't have bought 250GB drives. YOu should have invested in 500's or something.

Now what RAID are you planning on putting these drives in? PLEASE for god-sake dont say what i think you might say. Also you are doing this off of the PCI bus. Do you know how HUGE of a bottleneck that is going to be with 15 drives feeding off of it.

And this:

Why would you get that. Also for a system of this caliber why are you getting a Thermaltake case. It would seem to me that you are going to need a server case to keep 15 HDD's cool. No TT case is equipped (no matter if they have the room) for that many drives.

DOnt mean to be rude, but this seems very poorly planned out.

You may truly think that you're helping, I grant that, but this is WAY over the top.

"be·rate ( P ) Pronunciation Key (b-rt)
tr.v. be·rat·ed, be·rat·ing, be·rates
To rebuke or scold angrily and at length. See Synonyms at scold."

Whether you want to believe it or not, this is precisely what you're doing, and you shouldn't be surprised that some people react badly to it. Look GP, I don't have a problem with you in general. I'm just trying to convey to you how "uncomfortable" you can be. I mean really, do you harangue people like this in the real world?

Finally, as for my knowledge. I would think that i have proved that i know what i am talking about.

In some things, yes.

I dont know what issues i have listed that cannot be verified in some seems like someone (*cough*nfamous *cough* Zarubable *cough*) is the troll here who wants to incite problems.

Your talking to people like they're 2-year olds isn't helping, GP.


Mar 31, 2003
I think we had this discussion before. Just saying "No, no, I wasn't doing that!!!" doesn't invalidate the the observation that led to what I said. Also, I'm not the only one saying it. Which SHOULD trigger some self-reflection, yes? Two things:

1. I do PC support for a living, and that includes personal questions about gaming rigs and water. If I took your posture when dealing with my users I'd be out of a job.

2. This, meaning PC's, is a hobby for MANY people. As such, people ARE going to try unorthodox configurations, just for love of trying something cool. Not every rig has to meet your standards for veracity.

I see where you are coming from all the way. Yes, i was a bit harsh, but years on the forum i made the mistake of making a rash generalization (as i said earlier).

You may truly think that you're helping, I grant that, but this is WAY over the top.

Tt cases are not equipped for that kind of cooling. You need to cool 15 HDD's. He then said that he was getting 5.25 bay coolers for the HDD's. I then reinforced my earlier point by saying you will probably save money in the long run with the larger HDD's because of the reduced energy costs, the fact that you dont need to buy so many 5.25 bay coolers, and you dont have to buy and power as many fans. I asked a simple question in that statement. You can take a negative or positive conotation with it, but the negative was not intended in anyway.

Whether you want to believe it or not, this is precisely what you're doing, and you shouldn't be surprised that some people react badly to it. Look GP, I don't have a problem with you in general. I'm just trying to convey to you how "uncomfortable" you can be. I mean really, do you harangue people like this in the real world?

I am not normally that short fused no. As for in real life, i rarely get mad, i dont usually show my emotions at all (usually joke around, moreso when i have something on my mind).

Your talking to people like they're 2-year olds isn't helping, GP.

Only to them. Look at their previous posts; they obviously meant nothing but to stir up trouble by coming in here.



Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
I see where you are coming from all the way. Yes, i was a bit harsh, but years on the forum i made the mistake of making a rash generalization (as i said earlier).

I'm pleased that you're getting what I'm saying here. :thumbsup:

Tt cases are not equipped for that kind of cooling. You need to cool 15 HDD's. He then said that he was getting 5.25 bay coolers for the HDD's. I then reinforced my earlier point by saying you will probably save money in the long run with the larger HDD's because of the reduced energy costs, the fact that you dont need to buy so many 5.25 bay coolers, and you dont have to buy and power as many fans. I asked a simple question in that statement. You can take a negative or positive conotation with it, but the negative was not intended in anyway.

It's his money and his approach, GP. Why get so exercised over it that you irritate folks?

I am not normally that short fused no.

I didn't think so. ;) There are places where latching into people like that can get you hurt.

As for in real life, i rarely get mad, i dont usually show my emotions at all (usually joke around, moreso when i have something on my mind).

Then why not try to be just as thoughtful here? Don't get me wrong, if someone jumps in your ass, retaliate. But if you're here to help people, like many of us are, why not spot the questioner a few points instead of arguing with them for doing something you wouldn't do?

Only to them. Look at their previous posts; they obviously meant nothing but to stir up trouble by coming in here.

Or, they COULD have been pissed at you for the tone you took. Just a thought! :)


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: xtwells
I was wondering if an OCZ Powerstream 600W would even be enough.. but I don't know for sure..


This thread pretty much sums it up in 1 Redundant way for the PSU route...