How hard do you try at games?


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
Like are you really focusing and taking it real seriously? Do you like to get to that level of intensity? Or is it more like you are just trying to relax and have a good time and don't care if you die a lot?


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2013
Like are you really focusing and taking it real seriously? Do you like to get to that level of intensity? Or is it more like you are just trying to relax and have a good time and don't care if you die a lot?
For competitive multi-player in my mid-teens (Doom / Quake era), the former. 20 years on and now mostly single-player, very much the latter. Games are ultimately about enjoyment, and if someone is not enjoying how or what they're playing then they need to change something. What put me off a lot of multi-player games wasn't so much that gamers took the games seriously, it was when gamers took their own ego's and "social status" way too seriously. Same goes with difficulty level (dying a lot). Like many I used to be obsessed with stuffing every game on "Ultra Hard". Looking back, a lot of this stuff in many games is nothing more than number chasing "Excel gameplay" (0.5x Easy, 1.0x Normal, 1.5-2.0x Hard, etc) that simply ups damage / HP multiplier variable and turns games into a "bullet sponge grind-fest", which can actually throw the pacing off in many "designed around default medium difficulty" games, and reduce immersion even though it's more of a technical challenge. I can understand being a bragging badass in a gaming forum at "taking down Boss X on hard", but LOL at the funny people who think 87x sword slashes to kill a sewer rat is "fun" in Oblivion because they stuffed the difficulty slider up to 6:1 (effective 36:1 blow for blow) out of "intensity OCD"... :D


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2013
It depends on my mood and game. I usually play a bit more casually, but can often get more intense on a replay, where I focus on perfection or the highest difficulty level.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2003
I play all games on the hardest level available, to play on EASY is a waste...


Aug 8, 2001
I don't play anything that is strictly a simulation type game precisely because they feel too much like work. Hybrid FPS/RPG/RTS games with simulation elements, sure. But city/world building games, The Sims series, some slower paced strategy games (though I do like a few turn-based games), most MMOs, etc aren't fun for me. I always want games with excellent storytelling and characters and/or fast-paced action. I don't like having to "grind" or practically have my games feel like jobs.

The games that I do play I take semi-seriously. I don't get too invested or try to be a completionist, but I do like some challenge to a game so I usually do crank up the difficulty and will try and immerse myself in the game. Games like Fallout 4 really hit the sweet spot in what I'm looking for.
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Golden Member
Jun 27, 2015
I need a challenge (I prefer an intellectual challenge to twitch gameplay) but the goals need to be attainable for the satisfaction.

Hopefully that answers it.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2004
Any game that I play, I try my best. Like in D3, I'm trying to gear up to the best that I can in my own terms and get to the highest GR that I can. In a competitive mp, I want to win. I will do what is neccessary to win. If I have to camp a flag, I will do that. I will adjust and adapt to what my opponents are doing and try to outsmart them.

At the end of COD matches, I look at the score and see people that go 3-30.. I can't see how they could be having fun at all.. lol. They're certainly not helping the tam at all.

For single player games, I'm more relaxed and chilled. Just trying to slowly do things, and enjoying the story


Jan 8, 2011
Sometimes it takes an incredible amount of effort to do well on a server. It takes focus and attention and if there is even a possibility of being interrupted, that can be enough to throw me off. The effort can be pretty exhausting, so I am not always in the mood to play like that. While playing, it doesn't always feel like I am trying hard, because I just play the game and enjoy it. But after I turn the game off, I realize how much energy I was actually using in an effort to perform my best.
I don't like playing while on teamspeak. Its just a distraction and people are never talking strategically about the game you are in anyway. They are usually all on different servers, cross talking and adding in some nonsense about what they had for breakfast and about how drunk they are. Then they wonder why their KD is garbage at the end of the match. All people do on teamspeak is laugh, BS and cross talk about things that have nothing to do with the game, and I have to try to listen through all of that garbage just to hear the 1 or 2 people who are actually trying to play and hear what they are trying to tell me, such as "enemy on that roof" or whatever. No thanks. Team speak sucks and is a score killer for me personally unless working with other focused people all in the same game, then it has some benefits.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2002
just trying to relax and have a good time and don't care if you die a lot?
That's me. I don't play online, so I play games I like, i.e. good story, lots of variety, decent port and gameplay. RPG/FPS combo a favorite, though I did love Painkiller, which was mainly a FPS. What I cannot stand is the inability to change key bindings, and games that are buggy. I usually wait to buy games after the patches come out. I never play on easy...usually normal, adjusting difficulty up ig normal is too easy.

The Wife


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
The goal of any online multiplayer game is "To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
For competitive multi-player in my mid-teens (Doom / Quake era), the former. 20 years on and now mostly single-player, very much the latter. Games are ultimately about enjoyment, and if someone is not enjoying how or what they're playing then they need to change something. What put me off a lot of multi-player games wasn't so much that gamers took the games seriously, it was when gamers took their own ego's and "social status" way too seriously. Same goes with difficulty level (dying a lot). Like many I used to be obsessed with stuffing every game on "Ultra Hard". Looking back, a lot of this stuff in many games is nothing more than number chasing "Excel gameplay" (0.5x Easy, 1.0x Normal, 1.5-2.0x Hard, etc) that simply ups damage / HP multiplier variable and turns games into a "bullet sponge grind-fest", which can actually throw the pacing off in many "designed around default medium difficulty" games, and reduce immersion even though it's more of a technical challenge. I can understand being a bragging badass in a gaming forum at "taking down Boss X on hard", but LOL at the funny people who think 87x sword slashes to kill a sewer rat is "fun" in Oblivion because they stuffed the difficulty slider up to 6:1 (effective 36:1 blow for blow) out of "intensity OCD"... :D

Yah, upping the difficulty is dumb on single player games like that. Eventually you figure out the AI and exploit the hell out of it. Single player is more for the experience as nothing will give the challenge or unpredictability of live players.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
The goal of any online multiplayer game is "To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."


for offline games (witcher, skyrim, etc) how hard I try depends on how grindy it is, and how "fun" the grindy parts are. Farming 200 rubies/dragon bones/skins/etc to craft something is boring and I'll just use a trainer/console or edit the save game to get pass the grind.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
i always play on normal/medium I assume thats the baseline experience and anything easier or harder is just adding a different multiplier to game values like damage, hp etc...

to be honest i think they needed difficulty back when games had awful graphics, or else thered be literally no reason to play

now, games have realistic graphics and cinematic production values, simulated physics, we dont need difficulty to make things compelling or give one a reason to want play

modern gaming we are exploring fantastic worlds, i dont want my progress held up

Jax Omen

Golden Member
Mar 14, 2008
Always tryhard.

If I don't feel like tryharding anymore, I don't play that game anymore.

I don't have fun if I'm not giving 100%.


Feb 2, 2005
I can get frustrated by multiplayer games pretty easily. Shooters are the worst.

*look left*
*look right*

*guy that apparently appeared somewhere on the left milliseconds after you turned away shoots you*


Feb 7, 2005
I prefer games without a difficulty selector so I don't have to think about it (GTA, Assassin's Creed). Between work, the lady, the dog, social commitments, hobbies/sports, tv shows, books and movies, I find my game time in extremely short supply these days. So I tend to pick "easy" if its offered, and if I'm not having fun I may up it to normal. I find I have zero patience for games that force you to ragequit as part of the design (Ori, Dark Souls/II). There's just too many games I want to play to spend hours barely advancing in one of them. I don't need a punishing challenge, that's what the rest of my life is for.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2013
With single player games, I prefer to start at normal to hard (not nightmare or what ever the hardest is). Games are supposed to be leisurely, so I don't like to stress myself with both trying to understand the game and compete against a difficult opponent. I save that for my 2nd or 3rd play through.