How exactly do I duplicate my entire hard disk into a new one using Norton Ghost?

Zero In

Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
Do I need a third hard disk and launch Norton Ghost from there? Any precautions and settings I should be aware of?

I'm using WIn ME but would like to transfer my entire OS with all the programs installed and the settings to a new bigger hard disk that I just purchased.


Senior member
Oct 20, 1999
To clone one hard drive to another with Ghost, boot your computer with the Ghost boot disk (if you don't have one, use the Ghost Boot Wizard to make one). After booting with the Ghost boot disk, select the option to clone from one disk to the other (do NOT select the image option). Select your old hard rive as the source, and the new hard drive as the destination. Let Ghost run to completion, exit the program (which brings you to a DOS prompt). Remove the Ghost boot disk, and shut down the computer (power off). Change the jumpers so the larger hard drive (the new clone) is the master, reboot, and you are all set.


Senior member
Nov 16, 1999
jmorrell has got it nailed -- one thing maybe not too clear is to set up the drive you are to copy to as: either the slave on the ribbon with the current HD, or use the ribbon from to the CD for the HD --
Also make sure the existing HD does not have FAT16 or you will be limited into what you can Ghost over.
Is easy enough -- good luck