Okay, thing is, I have actually seen the doctor. Twice! It was actually for fever and stuff but now that there is no more fever, I am left with a sore throat. But what really spooked me was the fact that I woke up the morning after I saw the second doctor I saw a big white crater in the middle of my uvula. Later on, I saw two white spots on both sides of my throat, which I assume would be the tonsils.
I say the things I saw could be ulcers because the doctor who took a look at my throat just told me that I had ulcer and that I had nothing to worry about. He just prescribed me some antibiotics.
That was yesterday. Today the uvula still looks bad, bad it's not white anymore. The white spots on my tonsils have disappeared.
So, what's the case here?
Update! I just got this off a webpage:
Many patients are frightened when they see white spots on the tonsils. This is perfectly O.K. These are the dead white cells and dead bacteria that accumulate in the holes of the tonsils called crypts. Here the tonsils are just doing their job.
The throat is especially painful when the uvula, the part that hangs down the middle of the throat from the soft palate, swells . The uvula can also swell as an allergic reaction, just as the eye or nose can. Ice is good, as well as an antihistamine. Sometimes crackers or tostados can scratch the uvula and cause swelling. Swelling of the uvula doesn't serve any useful purpose.