Originally posted by: SickBeast
That's interesting. My card actually crashed when I had it set at 625/1000, so I've backed it down to 615/980 and it's fine so far. Is it really running at 615? Does the core run at a certain increment?Originally posted by: CaiNaM
i see a few of these #'s in this thread, but the GTS core doesn't run at 620, 630, or 660Mhz.
if you set the clock frequency anywhere from 618Mhz to 634Mhz, the core runs at 621Mhz & 1458Mhz shader.
from 635-641 it's 648Mhz core, 1458Mhz shader.
from 642-661 it's 648Mhz core, 1512Mhz shader.
that's why some ppl will find it runs perfectly stable when set to 634, but artifacts & crashes at 635 (because in reality it's jumping from 621 to 648Mhz). in fact, i'd bet zizo who stated his was running @ 660 would have major issues @ 662 (cause @660 the core is actually running 648Mhz, and @ 662 it would try to jump all the way to 675Mhz).
the core increments i know are 594, 612, 621, 648, 675, 684. there's a chart floating around somewhere which shows set frequency and actual frequency from around 500Mhz to 759Mhz, but i don't recall off the top of my head..
No its running at 612 core.