Umm...its not getting screwed on the auction...its simple laws of supply and demand...I PURPOSELY charge extra onauctions for shipping. On computers, I'll charge 85 dollars, and state it clearly in teh auction. The thing is I know I wont' get nearly as much for it as someone who only charges the right amount, but I SAVE on ebay fees. I also try to cover paypal costs with shipping fees. If someone offers free shipping and gets 85 dollars more, sure, thats fine, but they're paying 85 dollars more in ebay fees. On a lot of auctions, this adds up fast. If you look, you always get the same amount for the same items give or take 3-5%. Thats why if people ask me to use their shipping labels or ask for pickups I refuse...becuase if I offer the item w/o shipping, then my item sold for less and then I don't make the shipping fee up. In reality, if it was clearly stated in the description, you are NOT getting screwed and you shouldn't bid on the auction if you know the shipping charges ahead of time and dont' agree to them.