How do I get my CPU to be hotter than hell?


Jun 24, 2000
I have an Athlon XP 2400+ (Thorton) CPU that runs at 2014.5 MHz according to CPU-Z and WCPUid 3.1 when it's working at its normal speed on my motherboard (Asus A7V266-E). At that MHz I get a temperature of 61 C when I convert a wav file, who is 1 hour and 2 seconds long, to a 192 Kbps MP3 file in a program that?s called Cool Edit Pro 1.2.

Then when I overclocked my CPU to 2160 MHz and my GeForce 3 Ti 200 from 175/400 MHz to 220/500 MHz and run the test programs 3DMark2000 and 3DMark2001 a couple of times (and some other small ?test programs? like Quake 3) I checked at what temp I have got to with this rather heavily overclocked computer, and my temp were............59 C.

Rather amazing, don't you think? I mean my computer is overclocked like a lunatic and I get a COOLER computer.

CPU: = From 2014.5 MHz to 2160 MHz = 7.22 % Overclock.
Graphics card: = From 175/400 MHz to 220/500 MHz = 25 % Overclock.

Temperature at normal clock speed and making a MP3 file: = 61 C
Temperature when overclocked and running Test programs: = 59 C

So, my computer gets 3.4 % COOLER when I make an amazing overclock on it then what it gets in the normal MHz it's intended to run at.

Because of that I'm now wondering if someone of you knows what something about what program will make my CPU to run as hot as possible since those test programs don't seem to make my CPU to work anything.

A tip to you all now, don?t use test programs if you want to ?Burn in? your computer.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
You can use CpuBurn, if you want to heat your house with that already overheated cpu! Here's the link to it. My XP2400 runs lower temps while running that program than yours idles at.:D You really should consider getting more airflow through your case!


Jun 24, 2000
Well, I believe that my motherboard is kind of crazy when it comes to tell me about how warm my CPU is.

I already got 1 fan of the size 92 mm for air intake and 2 such 92 mm fans for blowing out air, and I got a big tower AOpen HQ08 computer case also.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
So, did you run CpuBurn? Are you sure that your heatsink is seated correctly? That the fan is blowing down into the heatsink? If so, as long as it will pass the Prime95 torture test, it's as stable as our computers are. You may just have a bad temp sensor. My motherboard has one bad fan sensor, but sense it will do 219fsb, I'm not sending it back!


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2003
umm. you want to cool that chip down!!!!! at stock speeds with event he stock cooler on that thing it shouldn't be much over 50, and installed right under 45idle. Hell my chips is only rnning at 52C under full load with 1.85 volts going to it.

Also run prime if you dare you'll prolly see temps aroun 65C which is not a good thing at all

and just to let you know that OC is not all that great these days. lmk when you hit 2.4ghz :D


Dec 9, 2003
my temps were just as bad as yours, even with 6 case fans i was still getting 57c at full load. it wasnt my heatsink it was the fan that comes on these areo 7 combo. i was so concerned that i almost went with watrecooling. but instead of spending the money, i decided to try a diffrent fan, i went with the noisiest wich is the vantec tornado alongside some artic silver 5. my temps went from 57 -60 to 34 -37 under full load. and all i had to do is buy a fan controller to crontrol the noise. and it seems your chip is mildly overclocked compared to mine. im at 2.3ghz 11x210


Jun 24, 2000
Hello to you myocardia, I have now used the CPUburn program and I let that program run for 12 minutes and then closed it.

Hmm, I don't know how long I should use that program but maybe you know something about that? So, how long do you think I should run CPUburn, or does it maybe close itself after a while when it thinks that it has finished testing my computer after stability flaws?

And the temp I got after the 12 minutes that I used it was 69 degrees Celsius. Is that among the worst you have seen or is it okay since my computer still worked okay after those 12 minuets?

Yes, I?m certain that my heatsink is seated correctly and that my fan is blowing air DOWN to the heatsink and not up.

Yes Jeff7181, I meant testing for stability.

Btw, I ran the program by using the "High" setting in the Process Priority "window" and the "K7" setting in the Test Type "Window".


Jun 24, 2000
Hello to you Falloutboy525 and badaphooko.

I saw that you thought that I have done a lousy overclock and that might be true. But, I'm only using CAS 2.5 PC2100 memory on 2 DIMMs in my computer and I haven't tested where my "overclock-limit" are so I might could get a better and higher overclock but I doubt that since I'm using so slow memory in my computer.

Besides, I?m only using a GeForce 3 Ti 200 graphics card overclocked to GeForce 3 MHz so I don?t see any point to overclock my computer anymore with this graphics card.


Aug 21, 2002
For stability testing I run Prime 95 while looping 3DMark2001... I start it when I go to bed, and if it's still running when I get up (8-10 hours later) it's stable.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Birger
Hello to you myocardia, I have now used the CPUburn program and I let that program run for 12 minutes and then closed it.

Hmm, I don't know how long I should use that program but maybe you know something about that? So, how long do you think I should run CPUburn, or does it maybe close itself after a while when it thinks that it has finished testing my computer after stability flaws?

And the temp I got after the 12 minutes that I used it was 69 degrees Celsius. Is that among the worst you have seen or is it okay since my computer still worked okay after those 12 minuets?

Yes, I?m certain that my heatsink is seated correctly and that my fan is blowing air DOWN to the heatsink and not up.

Yes Jeff7181, I meant testing for stability.

Btw, I ran the program by using the "High" setting in the Process Priority "window" and the "K7" setting in the Test Type "Window".
Birger, you ran CpuBurn with the right settings, but if you only ran it for 12 minutes, your cpu would have gotten quite a bit hotter than it did. I have to say take Badaphooko's advice, he's had that heatsink. And if you aren't concerned about noise, nothing beats a Vantec Tornado fan. As far as your overclock is concerned, you aren't going to get more than that until you get some faster ram and an nForce2 motherboard. Hey, we probably couldn't get more than that with that ram and mobo.:D


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2003
I wouldnt risk 'burning' your cpu in since it already hits 61c. The best thing you can do is buy a better HSF, or go the cheap route and mount a 80-90mm fan a inch or two from your cpu's heatsink [inside the case] using tie wraps or anything else capable of holding it in place, and have it blow air to the heatsink's base to shave off 5-10c..

If your not wanting to OC much more id go with the fan, its cheap [free if you have a spare fan] and very effective.


Jun 24, 2000
Hello myocardia!

I've read your post now but I don't quite understand one paragraph that you wrote to me and that one goes like this.

"but if you only ran it for 12 minutes, your cpu would have gotten quite a bit hotter than it did."

Do you think that we should replace the word "would" with the word "could" instead?

I mean, so what you wanted to tell me were more something like this.

"but if you only ran it for 12 minutes, your cpu COULD have gotten quite a bit hotter than it did."

And if that?s what you mean, how warm do you think my CPU can be if I run the CPUburn program for an hour instead of the 12 minutes that I used it?

I?m asking since my CPU vent all the way up to 69 C after the 12 minutes that I used and if you think that my CPU cold get ?quite a bit hotter? than that I don?t know if I have the guts to use that program for a longer time since I don?t want to break my dear CPU.

Hmm, some of you suggested that that I would buy a better fan (and obviously more noisy to) to my heat sink but I have this to say about that.

Before I changed my CPU to a 2400+ I used a 1700+ with a GlobalWin FOP 32-1 heatsink/fan and I thought that that 4200 RPM fan made to much noise (52 db according to Tom's Hardware Guide) so I wanted to have a more silent cooler now. That's the reason why I bought the Spire WhisperRock IV cooler to my computer. According to Tom's Hardware Guide this Spire cooler only makes a sound level of 41.6 db.

So, my friends, if you suggested that I would buy a 6800 RPM fan from Delta or something like that, I can tell you that that?s never gonna happen since I want to have a so quite computer as possible.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
If you aren't interested in solving your problem, why did you ask us for the solutions?:confused: And no, I didn't mean could, I meant would have gotten hotter. My temps were still going up at around the 30 minute mark, and my XP2400 runs 43-44°C while folding proteins at 10.5x212.5fsb@1.80v, as you can see from this screenshot, and 36-37°C at idle. And I never suggested you run CpuBurn at all. I said you could heat your house with your overheated processor, if you ran it. So, after 15 or 20 posts, are we to assume that you are complaining about the heat your air-cooled processor is running at, while it's running in a fanless case, because you don't like noise? We are, aren't we? If so, did anyone ever tell you that you can't air-cool a computer without air? YOU CAN'T. Explain to your wife why you need to spend $150 or so on a water-cooling setup for your computer, then buy enough hose to allow you keep the noisy parts of it in whatever part of your house that suits you. Problem solved now?:D

edit: I forgot to mention that my OC'd XP2400 is air-cooled, with a CoolerMaster hsf that I picked up at Fry's for $9.99.


Aug 21, 2002
Birger... so lemme try and understand you... you're looking for a silent way to cool your overclocked processor? Overclocking and silent don't go together. Most people that build silent or near silent computers do NOT overclock, many of them actually underclock. It is impossible to build a fanless computer in a regular case. Regular cases rely on airflow. If you want a silent computer you're going to have to buy parts specifically to keep the noise to a minimum, which means, Seagate hard drives, large low speed 90mm or 120mm case fans, either a 1 fan power supply designed to be quiet, or a fanless power supply, and a good size heatsink to cool the video card without a fan since most video cards use very small high speed fans that make quite a bit of noise.


Jun 24, 2000
myocardia, I am interested in getting my computer to run cooler but I want to do that as quiet as possible, without going over to a Water or Compressor cooled system.

Alright, now I understand what you meant with this paragraph.
"but if you only ran it for 12 minutes, your CPU would have gotten quite a bit hotter than it did."
What you forgot in that paragraph was to add these words.
"If you have used the program for a longer time than only 12 minutes as you did. Run it for, say, 1 hour and you will see that you will get a hotter CPU."

Then you gave me a marvellously strange/stupid paragraph that I also have problems with understanding, you wrote this.
"So, after 15 or 20 posts, are we to assume that you are complaining about the heat your air-cooled processor is running at, while it's running in a fan less case, because you don't like noise? We are, aren't we?"

No, you aren't. And I don't have a fan less case, try to remember SOMETHING. I have 3 case fans in my computer, 1 for intake and 2 for outtake as I have written in an earlier post.
And I have never complained about that my CPU runs to hot, try to remember how this topic started, if you are unable do that I can explain it all to you now.

I wrote this in my first post.
"So, my computer gets 3.4 % COOLER when I make an amazing overclock on it then what it gets in the normal MHz it's intended to run at.

Because of that I'm now wondering if someone of you knows something about what program will make my CPU to run as hot as possible since those test programs don't seem to make my CPU to work anything."

So, I wanted to know what program I could use if I wanted to get my CPU to run as hot as possible, since the test programs that I had used earlier only heated up my overclocked CPU less then what my CPU became when I converted a wav file to a MP3 file in my computer while it were not overclocked.

No, you never suggested that I should use the program CpuBurn, but that's what this topic is all about, what program I could use if I wanted to heat up my processor as much as possible.

Damn it, what is this topic of this title?

Yes, it is "How do I get my CPU to be hotter than hell?"

Nothing, NOTHING in that title says anything about that I would like to have some kind of help with the cooling of my computer, preferably down to 0 Kelvin.

If you are still unable to understand what this topic is all about then you are amazingly stu...


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Quick and easy way..........With the computer off, take the heatsink off, place your finger on the core, and then turn the computer on. Im sure your finger will think its hotter then hell.



Jan 20, 2004
Originally posted by: badaphooko
my temps were just as bad as yours, even with 6 case fans i was still getting 57c at full load. it wasnt my heatsink it was the fan that comes on these areo 7 combo. i was so concerned that i almost went with watrecooling. but instead of spending the money, i decided to try a diffrent fan, i went with the noisiest wich is the vantec tornado alongside some artic silver 5. my temps went from 57 -60 to 34 -37 under full load. and all i had to do is buy a fan controller to crontrol the noise. and it seems your chip is mildly overclocked compared to mine. im at 2.3ghz 11x210

i also have a 92mm vantec tornado with fan controller. I run my 2500+ usually no less than 2.4ghz with my temps at around 36 idle. and to the guy that saud something about 219 FSB so he aint returning it. That ain't that high my easily runs 225 FSB also Thermalright SLK-900A with the tornado.


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2002
3DMark won't make your CPU very hot because it is waiting on the video card.

__any__ distributed computing application will heat the CPU more than 3DMark. Then there is always CPUBurn.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Birger
myocardia, I am interested in getting my computer to run cooler but I want to do that as quiet as possible, without going over to a Water or Compressor cooled system.

Alright, now I understand what you meant with this paragraph.
"but if you only ran it for 12 minutes, your CPU would have gotten quite a bit hotter than it did."
What you forgot in that paragraph was to add these words.
"If you have used the program for a longer time than only 12 minutes as you did. Run it for, say, 1 hour and you will see that you will get a hotter CPU."

Then you gave me a marvellously strange/stupid paragraph that I also have problems with understanding, you wrote this.
"So, after 15 or 20 posts, are we to assume that you are complaining about the heat your air-cooled processor is running at, while it's running in a fan less case, because you don't like noise? We are, aren't we?"

No, you aren't. And I don't have a fan less case, try to remember SOMETHING. I have 3 case fans in my computer, 1 for intake and 2 for outtake as I have written in an earlier post.
And I have never complained about that my CPU runs to hot, try to remember how this topic started, if you are unable do that I can explain it all to you now.

I wrote this in my first post.
"So, my computer gets 3.4 % COOLER when I make an amazing overclock on it then what it gets in the normal MHz it's intended to run at.

Because of that I'm now wondering if someone of you knows something about what program will make my CPU to run as hot as possible since those test programs don't seem to make my CPU to work anything."

So, I wanted to know what program I could use if I wanted to get my CPU to run as hot as possible, since the test programs that I had used earlier only heated up my overclocked CPU less then what my CPU became when I converted a wav file to a MP3 file in my computer while it were not overclocked.

No, you never suggested that I should use the program CpuBurn, but that's what this topic is all about, what program I could use if I wanted to heat up my processor as much as possible.

Damn it, what is this topic of this title?

Yes, it is "How do I get my CPU to be hotter than hell?"

Nothing, NOTHING in that title says anything about that I would like to have some kind of help with the cooling of my computer, preferably down to 0 Kelvin.

If you are still unable to understand what this topic is all about then you are amazingly stu...
So, this long and ignorant post was just to tell us that you are too cheap to buy watercooling? BTW, this all started with me telling you only what you asked for in the title of your thread: "How do I get my cpu hotter than hell?" and I told you, even gave you a link to, the program that will get your cpu hotter than anything else will. Oh, one other thing, you obviously aren't nearly intelligent enough to be an English teacher, so you can stop trying to correct other people's already correct grammar.:confused:


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by: myocardia

So, this long and ignorant post was just to tell us that you are too cheap to buy watercooling? BTW, this all started with me telling you only what you asked for in the title of your thread: "How do I get my cpu hotter than hell?" and I told you, even gave you a link to, the program that will get your cpu hotter than anything else will. Oh, one other thing, you obviously aren't nearly intelligent enough to be an English teacher, so you can stop trying to correct other people's already correct grammar.:confused:

But STILL, noone has answered his original question.

One of the many possible correct answers is "blowtorch". With this you can heat it to about 2000F. But as shown here, hell is below 445F, otherwise the brimstone would be a vapor, not a lake.


Feb 12, 2004

Birger, bigger fans push more air with lower rpms. Check the CFM and the rpm's on each fan and I'm sure you can achieve a relatively quite system with a decent overclock.

I know you dont' want to achieve better cooling, this is what confuses me.

Better cooling = cooler system = better stability(in most cases) = longer system life.

I have an slk900a with a 92mm thermal take fan. I have a PSU that has 2 fans. My case has one intake blowing over the harddrives and 2 exhaust fans. my temps idle/load 42/50

You should seriously consider getting a better heatsink and put a big fan on there. I promise, you will extend the life of your system and there will be no hearing loss.

With this in mind, you will also be able to effectively test for stability which is what most of these programs do. I would recommend running prime95 for about 4-8 hours. You will see quite high temps with this program, however, it will quickly determine how stable your system really is.

These are only suggestions for better cooling (which is always the goal) and better system stability (which goes hand in hand with cooling and overclocking). Your overclock IMO, if not stable, is not a good overclock. And when I say "Your" I don't mean you personally, but more generally. If your system is running at 4000mhz, but crashes evertime you try to do something, then how pointless is that overclock?



Jun 24, 2000
Hello again myocardia, for the last time btw, because I'm tired of this topic now.

You wrote that my last post was ignorant and in my dictionary the word ignorant is another word for not knowing anything.
So, what is it that I'm so unaware of?

Another thing, you thought that I weren't intelligent enough to be an English teacher and that could be true, since English isn't my native language. It's around 18 years since I left the school and it's easy to forget how to use something in that amount of time if you don't use it regularly.

After that you told me to stop trying to correct other peoples already correct grammar and since I don't know when I were trying to correct someone?s grammar, could you please tell when I did that so I can understand that accusation better.
The only thing that I remember is that I tried to put a few more words in a paragraph you gave me, is it those words that I wanted to insert in your paragraph that you are thinking of?

Hmm, now I'm a bit frustrated on you myocardia but I would like to thank you anyway for giving me a tip and link to the CPUburn program, that program was really good and did exactly what I wanted it to do.

Now I can become a bit happier and say hello to you M3at.

I saw that you were confused about why I didn't want to achieve better cooling of my computer since a cooler running computer has a longer system life and a little answer on that comes here.

I use an Athlon XP 2400+ in my computer now and this computer only has to "live" for maybe 1.5 to 2 years from today because in a timeframe of about 1.5 to 2 years everything in the computer market would have changed to new and better stuff. And when all this "cool" stuff has entered the market it's time to buy new computer and throw the stuff I got now away. The only thing that I would probably keep from this computer is the hdd.

Hmm, here comes a little "list" of the things I'm waiting for now and when these things have become standard in many computers in our world I will buy a new one.
Serial ATA 2
PCI Express
Windows XP 64
939 pins Athlon XP 64

And thanks a lot M3at that you put something meaningful and useful here on this topic.


Senior member
Mar 10, 2002
Originally posted by: glugglug
Originally posted by: myocardia

So, this long and ignorant post was just to tell us that you are too cheap to buy watercooling? BTW, this all started with me telling you only what you asked for in the title of your thread: "How do I get my cpu hotter than hell?" and I told you, even gave you a link to, the program that will get your cpu hotter than anything else will. Oh, one other thing, you obviously aren't nearly intelligent enough to be an English teacher, so you can stop trying to correct other people's already correct grammar.:confused:

But STILL, noone has answered his original question.

One of the many possible correct answers is "blowtorch". With this you can heat it to about 2000F. But as shown here, hell is below 445F, otherwise the brimstone would be a vapor, not a lake.