how do i burn avi to dvd


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
There is no easy way. I found a freeware program that would let you author a DVD based on avi files, but I forget what it was called.

Believe me, there is no easy way. No matter what you find it will take you awhile to get it working correctly and it will still come out weird unless you're only using 1 AVI file and don't care about the chapter skip. Even then, it's a pain in the butt

It's a lot easier to just buy a DVD player that will recognize and play AVI files on a DVD. If you want the DVD to work in any player, you're going to need the "author your own" method that I just told you was a huge pain in the ass.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2005
I've used DVDSanta for a while now, takes AVI/MPG and burns em as DVD videos, but without the ability to make fancy menus and whatnot. Automatically converts them, chapters them, all that jazz.


Dec 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Eeezee
There is no easy way. I found a freeware program that would let you author a DVD based on avi files, but I forget what it was called.

Believe me, there is no easy way. No matter what you find it will take you awhile to get it working correctly and it will still come out weird unless you're only using 1 AVI file and don't care about the chapter skip. Even then, it's a pain in the butt

It's a lot easier to just buy a DVD player that will recognize and play AVI files on a DVD. If you want the DVD to work in any player, you're going to need the "author your own" method that I just told you was a huge pain in the ass.

the authoring method is what i do with nero.. it is a pain since it takes a looong time and locks my system for no reason sometimes.

ill try that dvdsanta thing thanks