How can I improve my RC5 stats?


Mar 17, 2001
Right now I get about 550 kkeys/sec while actively working on the system, and a little over 700 kkeys/sec when it's idle. Is there any way (without upgrading hardware) that I can improve these numbers? BTW, I have a K6-2 400 MHz overclocked to 450 MHz. I tried pushing it to 500 MHz, but it will BSOD way too often at that speed, while at 450 it runs perfectly stable (never crashes). TIA.


Mar 7, 2001
There's not a huge amount you can do to improve the speed of the client in RC5 without overclocking, and as you've already found the K6-2s are difficult to do o/c. There are ways to get them over clocked but the most you could expect would be 500Mhz and it'd be either risky or expensive for relatively little gain. I think you've already done well to get it to 450Mhz. The bets way to get the most out of it is not to use it & make sure as little as possible is running in the background (wherever practical).

You may already know that K6-2s are best at doing OGR. They can nearly match P2/P3s clock for clock in OGR, but if you want to do RC5, then that's not much help!

I would say be happy that you've already got a 50Mhz overclock & start saving for a Duron system.



Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Switching to blank screen screensaver will improve output for people who are using a fancy screensaver.


Mar 17, 2001
1...I sorta want to do RC5, since there's an Anandtech team for that. And I am saving for an Athlon system (I wish dual, but it will probably be a single 1.2GHz). Tomorrow I'll try tweaking the services to get rid of ones I don't need (we all know how Windows 2000 runs way too much stuff that you'll never use).
2...I don't use a screensaver at all, but that is good advise for those who use fancy OpenGL screensavers, to disable those processor-intensive things.
3...Not really applicable, unfortunately, as most of the other machines I could do this to, are not connected to the internet, or maybe log in once a week. :-(
4...I never watch movies on the computer (especially p0rn ones).


Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2000
I don't think that tweaking any services will help all that much. Your numbers are about the same as one of my K6-2 450 systems.

However, I did find that the DOS client seemed to be faster for my Pentium 233. I get 500,000 kkeys/sec on this system running the DOS client - then I sneakernet the results to dnet. if you don't use your old K6-2 for anything else after you upgrade to Athlon you can always try out the DOS client to see if its faster.


Senior member
Apr 11, 2001
Forget the dos client, I find that linux is just as fast as DOS, if not faster. And its usable with full network/dialout support. No more sneaker net :D


Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2000
I would try the Klinux, but I have no idea how to connect it up to my exisiting network, which consists of a cable modem hooked up to my wife's Win98SE machine with &quot;internet connection sharing&quot; enabled. This computer has another network card hooked up to a hub, allowing all my other machines to hook up the the internet. I would think that klinux wouldn't be able to use Microsoft's internet connection sharing - does this act as a DHCP server? I guess I can just give it a try. I've been very happy with MS internet connection sharing, it is much more compatible than other proxy server's that I have used.

How do most people go about sharing an internet connection between klinux and Winddows machines? Is a router the way to go? Or would I be better off setting up my Win2K machine as the server, or with some proxy server software like Wingate, etc...?

I'm gonna make this a new topic.