Question How are we supposed to install dust filters and do they mess up with the RGB fan aesthetic?


Junior Member
May 14, 2020
I have been researching for parts on the web and have settled on a 5 RGB fan set for 50 bucks (ask for link if needed). I watched a review on these and it turns out that they have hydraulic bearings that will gum up for dust which will then make the fan slower or even kill it. So, the obvious choice is to get dust filters. Before getting them, I want to know how to install them (YouTube is surprisingly not helpful on this topic) and whether they mess up with the cool RGB aesthetic. I think they will if they are to be installed in front of the fan because the filter part will be visible in an ugly way when the fan lights up. And logic tells me that they do go in front. Otherwise, the dust will hit the fan normally, even with the dust filter and gum up the hydraulic bearings.


Platinum Member
Aug 17, 2006
Dust getting into fan bearings is usually a small consideration, although that certainly happens, and the more dust the more problems. But just as dust can do bad things to fan bearings, it is a problem for most other components inside a computer case. A dust layer impedes heat transfer; it can clog the thin passages in any heat exchanger; a build-up on fan blades can alter the fan's air flow characteristics; etc. So one is always well advised to place dust filters on the INTAKE side of the intake fans. And yes, surely that can alter the appearance of the lighting in those fan's frames.

Exactly which type of dust filter you use has an impact. The simplest ones usually are thin sheets of urethane foam (often grey), and you WILL see lights through that, although they will be somewhat dimmed and less sharply defined. Other types look more like very fine screens of metal or plastic threads, and they will interfere less with light coming through.

Dust filters work by what is called the "filtration mechanism" - surprise! As dusty air containing particles of different sizes passes though the fine holes of a clean new mesh, some are too large and "bridge" the hole in the mesh. This means that hole now is divided into two smaller openings, so it can "catch" a much smaller particle the next time. As this happens over the entire filter surface, all the openings get more and more plugged up and smaller, eventually reducing air flow through significantly. That's when you must clean off the accumulated debris and start with a freshly "clean" base mesh. Of course, the accumulated dust particles also are effective at scattering light and reducing its transmission through the dirt filter, so that's another reason for filter cleaning.
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Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010
Its pretty tough for dust to get inside the fan bearing area. I have torn apart plenty of failed fans that have run for years, even decades, dust was never the issue. Even for higher end fans that use bearings that would be susceptible to it.

Like mentioned above, other components are at risk for dust. Mostly being heat sinks and radiators. So dust filter are good. But another option is to clean the case regularly, and NEVER have the case on the floor.
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Golden Member
Mar 2, 2013
Moobs for your consideration
I use a double wide case that sits on the casters on the floor. It has 2 rads on top with the airflow into the case and all other fans exhausting from the case.
This "in at top and out everywhere else" setup would seem to work for you also and allow your RGB fans to be seen.

My top mounted rad's fans are covered by a custom DemcFilter -
Nice folks, easy to work with and they do customs designs and sizes from an email pattern. (reasonably too!)
The filters a medical mesh size screen, magnetic framed and easily cleaned.
The ones on this case are 6 years old now and as good as the day I bought them.