Originally posted by: RESmonkey
is it reasonable to use Flash to make a cartoon, and then export it to say a video format?
^nonprofessional, of course. like wanting to make a small cartoon series.
yes, you could use flash. i don't think toon boom studio is much different from flash. the concepts would be the same.
even anime studio works on the same prinicpal, setting up key frames and trails and then running a time line.
for good animation you are looking at a fair amount of work. if you look at claymation as example, to get smooth quality animation, you would start around 15fps and work your way up. you could go to 24-29 fps but oddly enough 15fps seems to be a sweetspot. what goes for claymation also works in handshot animation, like the original cut outs for southpark. with a digital camera, software that can capture, and some cardboard, you can do wonders. even though stop motion software is used for stop motion, at an amateur level it works really well for that kind of cartoon making, since it offers most of the features of cartoon software.