House GOP to table amendment to kill off most CBO positions, end independent analysis


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
It looks like Republicans in the House are looking to get rid of one of the few remaining non-partisan, non-commercial voices in the area of studying federal policy impact and analysis. The gutted Congressional Budget Office would be forced to simply aggregate and re-publish think tank studies instead of employ their own experts.

The Hill - Meadows: CBO should downsize, aggregate think tank reports

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) is trying to eliminate 89 positions from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office's staff, and require the office to aggregate think tank data instead of using its own professional expertise.

“They ought to be aggregators; there are plenty of think tanks that are out there,” Meadows said at a National Press Club event.

In an amendment to be offered to the security-related spending bill scheduled for a House vote this week, Meadows would cut $15 million of funding to CBO staff members responsible for estimating the budgetary costs of bills in Congress, and have them "carry out such duties solely by facilitating and assimilating scoring data compiled by the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute, the Brookings Institution, and the Urban Institute."

The proposal follows after a series of CBO reports predicted that tens of millions of people would become uninsured under various Republican plans to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

Meadows said he would use a rule called the Holman Rule, which allows Congress to cut salaries for individual federal workers, for the first time since 1983.

The Freedom Caucus and many members of the Trump administration have been highly critical of the CBO. The CBO has consistently stated that efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act would lead to a 20 million-person increase in the nation’s uninsured.

The office will also score legislation such as tax reform, where deficit estimates will be crucial to passage.

“They’re the one group that makes a weatherman’s 10-day forecast look accurate,” Meadows said.

The amendment will be offered to the “minibus” spending bill due to come to the House floor this week, which combines four security-related appropriations bills into one.

On Friday, every former CBO director signed a letter to congressional leadership to "express our strong objection to recent attacks on the integrity and professionalism of the agency and on the agency’s role in the legislative process."

The letter pushed back on accusations that the CBO's scores did not hold up over time.

"CBO’s approach produces consistent comparisons of competing legislative proposals and unbiased projections of the impact of policy changes. Unfortunately, even nonpartisan and high-quality analysis cannot always generate accurate estimates," the directors wrote.

"Policy changes are often complex, the economy is dynamic and defies precise prediction, and many policies are modified over time. However, such analysis does generate estimates that are more accurate, on average, than estimates or guesses by people who are not objective and not as well informed as CBO’s analysts."

While the healthcare debate has put the CBO in the headlines, its day-to-day scoring work is devoted to bills that garner less attention and would be less likely to be reviewed by think tanks.

Last week, for example, it produced scores for bills such as the Amber Alert in Indian Country Act, Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act, and the Department of Veterans Affairs Bonus Transparency Act.​


Golden Member
Jun 8, 2010
This is the same reason they got rid of most of the actual scientists in government, they are not interested in facts, only in getting what they want, and to do that they will silence anyone who tries to point out the flaws in their plan.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
This is one of the saddest parts of the Trump administration. It's not so much the bad policies (denying the reality of climate change, rolling back protections for women and minorities, etc.) as it is an outright attempt to dismantle any semblance of objectivity and subservience to facts. The administration that follows Trump's will probably spend much of its time repairing this damage... that is, assuming the Republicans don't go all-in with their intentions and impose a dictatorship (and let's face it, that is what they really want).


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
well, it's a good plan. The only way to find support for horrible legislation is to eliminate all good faith efforts to properly analyze the results of horrible legislation.

Ignorance and Despotism: brought to you by the GOP. You own this, republicans.
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Dec 7, 2004
Obviously the best way to cram their terrible policies through is to get rid of anyone objectively analyzing them.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I love how the answer to a professional, nonpartisan research service telling them that their bills are terrible isn't to make the bills less terrible, it's to get rid of the people telling you things you don't want to hear.

Outsourcing Congress' research to independent think tanks is the height of stupidity (or really, cynicism). First, his choices of think tanks are comically biased. Two hard right advocacy organizations, one nonpartisan think tank, and one theoretically nonpartisan think tank that leans left. Second, this seems like a really easy way to destroy the value of research. All that will happen is that no matter the actual merits of the bill Heritage will come out and say it's great (or terrible, depending on what party authored it). Even if the other think tanks say otherwise congressional Republicans will say 'well I guess there's no way to know!' and pretend it never happened.

One of the primary benefits of the CBO is that it has always been a neutral arbiter that both parties agreed best reflected objective analysis of their legislation. Now they want to corrupt that. Ugh.