At this point, I think I'd rather see her get the nomination. This party has so screwed up the primary, it seems more and more likely that they've handed it to McCain. And if that's the case, whoever his opponent is will find it next to impossible to win the nomination the next time around.
Beyond that, though, part of me thinks it would be best for the Democrating party if the Republicans win. No matter what anyone tells you, our collossal screwups in the mideast isn't going to get fixed in the next 4 to 8 years, no matter who is President. And the economy is going to be rough for a good while longer before it gets very much better. Let the Republicans own it, and let them earn the enmity of the public for it. I'm tired of watching them prove so effective at the game they always play with taxes and public opinion.
We see it over and over again, and the American public never stops falling for it. Anyone with half a brain can tell you that increasing spending while decreasing revenue is a bad thing, long term. And yet time and again, the Republicans play the same game. They push for tax cuts without decreasing spending (except, of course, for spending on programs they don't like... though that gets offset by what they do like spending on). This helps them curry favor with Joe Q. Public, but consequently necessitates that a future administration raise taxes to get things back in check. Then, when Democrats are forced to raise taxes back to where they were before the Republicans lowered them... maybe even higher... they look like bad guys and the public sees them as taking away the money that the Republicans have given them. But every once in a blue moon, the Republicans are in power for just a little too long; and it bites them on the ass.
We saw it when Bush Sr. inherited Reagan's debts. And even though it was a Democratic congress that raised taxes, Bush was forced to admit it as being necessary, ate his crow, and paid the price for his campaign promise of "Read my lips, no new taxes." Well here we are again. We have someone who seems determined to continue the "don't t tax, but spend more" policies, but will be forced to do so with a Congress he doesn't control. And we have an economic crisis that will either force him to work the Democrats to balance the budget, thereby pissing off the Republicans, or work against them and dig us deeper and deeper into the holes we're now trying to get out, and piss of the entire country (along with sizable chunks of the world).
So screw it... If Hillary's so determined to have the nomination that she'll destroy her party to get it, let her have it. If McCain is so willing to continue with policies that have so clearly proven inurious to our nation and our world image, let him and his party pay the price for it. As they've both sown, let them reap. We're have rough patches, no matter who is in the White House, and we're going to eventually rebound, as well. In the meantime, let those who've brought us to this point take all the blame that they deserve.