- Jan 12, 2003
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This is the par I found particularly disturbing:
"Judicial Watch is investigating the financial contacts and dealings between Chirac?s "Rally for the Republic" party, and government officials and corporations from multiple countries including France, Iraq, China and Syria."
Are you not alarmed with the bed fellows of France? It is all starting to become clear now...
"Judicial Watch is investigating the financial contacts and dealings between Chirac?s "Rally for the Republic" party, and government officials and corporations from multiple countries including France, Iraq, China and Syria."
Are you not alarmed with the bed fellows of France? It is all starting to become clear now...
French President Jacque Chirac has engaged in a 30-year conspiracy to provide weapons to Saddam Hussein, in direct violation of international law. This according to shocking new complaints filed against Chirac by Judicial Watch.
Specifically, Judicial Watch?s complaints concern the "unlawful proliferation of nuclear technology, the unlawful trafficking of arms and military technology, and the violation of UN trade sanctions imposed after the 1991 Gulf War, as well as additional UN sanctions relating to the so-called ?oil-for-food? program."
Judicial Watch is investigating the financial contacts and dealings between Chirac?s "Rally for the Republic" party, and government officials and corporations from multiple countries including France, Iraq, China and Syria.
The evidence compiled by Judicial Watch against the French President is considerable. Consider the following facts, as articulated in JW?s complaints:
* According to New York Times columnist William Safire, a French company brokered a deal to bring Chinese rocket fuel to Saddam Hussein?s Iraq via Syria in the months leading up to the war in Iraq. Chirac lied to the press denying the illegal transaction took place, despite smoking gun email evidence to the contrary.
* One French company, Protec, furnished Iraq with millions of dollars of equipment to six separate plants for making mustard gas and nerve agents, with a capacity of hundreds of tons of nerve agent per year.
* Chirac arranged for the sale of nuclear reactors to Saddam Hussein. Technical and scientific support for the reactors was included in the sale of the hardware and uranium.
* Chirac provided Hussein a tour of the fast breeder reactor, which makes use of a technology to transform uranium into plutonium.
* According to Bill Gertz of the Washington Times, an unidentified French company has been selling spare parts to Iraq for its fighter jets and military helicopters during the past several months.
* While Mayor of Paris, Chirac concocted illegal schemes concerning the sale of lucrative contracts by the town hall?s building commissioners. A 12-member French judicial commission, whose membership was hand-picked by Chirac, has declared the French President immune from prosecution for these crimes until 2007, when he leaves office.
* Industry analysts contend that an enormous black market of Iraqi oil existed through the 1990s, and was the source of great wealth for Saddam, his Baath Party, and perhaps French "facilitators" who were involved in "running the blockade."
* Recent documents uncovered in Iraq show that France was providing intelligence to Iraq after September 11.
"It is now clear why the French were in such vocal opposition to the U.S. led war in Iraq," explained JW Chairman Larry Klayman. "They know their fingerprints are all over Saddam Hussein¹s weapons programs. We cannot ignore the truth. The French have betrayed our country and the man responsible must pay and he will pay."
Judicial Watch filed its complaints with the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) and the European Police Office (Europol).