Small text isn't inherently a problem of high display resolution. Actually, choosing a ridiculous resolution is GOOD for text display quality. This is because at the same physical size of a character, it looks a lot better when it consists of more pixels.
That only if your operating system calibrates its text sizes by actual physical display size - like Linux KDE does. I'm running 1400x1050 on a 17" CRT, for the sole purpose of making text look good. The characters are the exact same physical size as they are on the 20" Sony right next to it that's running at 1280x960 because it has to. Now guess which one has the better looking text ... particularly in the fine print, the higher resolution shows positively.
Windows however is different, rendering most of its text stuff by pixel count, not by real world measure. That's why higher resolution means smaller text. Dumb, that.