Hidden Hills is hilarious

AU Tiger

Diamond Member
Dec 26, 1999
Meant to add to uncJIGGA's original thread on Hidden Hills, but it is now archived.

I've been watching this show all season (Tuesday, NBC 9:30 PM) and last night's episode "The Shocker" had me in tears it was so funny. This is a must watch show, especially for anyone that is married.

Last night's episode was about the couple trying to spice up their sex since one of the single moms had a latin lover. "The Shocker" was a move the wife tried on the husband (main character) while they were in bed. This was a tip that she got from her friend. His reaction was nothing like what she expected. They also tried the refrigerator scene from 9 1/2 Weeks. The ReadyWhip had spoiled and the strawberries had as well. The ended up cleaning out the refrigerator instead of having sex. Later, they tried the backseat of his truck where she found a list of parents she was supposed to call for one of their kids field trips and he found a library book that was five months past due. In the end they gave up on trying to spice things up.

Drawback is that it competes against 24, so you must either not like 24 or record one while watching the other.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2001
Originally posted by: AU Tiger
Last night's episode was about the couple trying to spice up their sex since one of the single moms had a latin lover. "The Shocker" was a move the wife tried on the husband (main character) while they were in bed. This was a tip that she got from her friend. His reaction was nothing like what she expected. They also tried the refrigerator scene from 9 1/2 Weeks. The ReadyWhip had spoiled and the strawberries had as well. The ended up cleaning out the refrigerator instead of having sex. Later, they tried the backseat of his truck where she found a list of parents she was supposed to call for one of their kids field trips and he found a library book that was five months past due. In the end they gave up on trying to spice things up.

So the ads were right. It really is just like your life (but funnier). ;)

AU Tiger

Diamond Member
Dec 26, 1999
Not just like my life, but I can definitely see some of the things in the show happening in my life. As in the episode on vasectomies.



Oct 10, 1999
I didn't watch the whole show, but did catch the refrigerator scene. I LMAO on that one. He squirts the whipped cream, it came out all lumpy. Ew, it turned to cheese. Ew, it stinks. Then the sexy he licks the jam off her finger and starts choking, grabs the jar, Hey, this expired in 1997! and they end up cleaning the frig. Ah too funny, and a good twist on 91/2 weeks. Hehehe. :D

Hits close to home, I'd be afraid to try something like that with some of the stuff living in our fridge. :Q ;)


Golden Member
Jul 21, 2002
"The Shocker". Wow, I've heard about this for years. I was half asleep when I first heard a commerical for this. I went from sleeping to LOL mode. Really. my fiance had no clue why it was so funny.

I bet no one here knows what he shocker is. My friend has pulled it on some chicks ... with success!!!! This was over 5 years ago when we were in college.


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: kherman
"The Shocker". Wow, I've heard about this for years. I was half asleep when I first heard a commerical for this. I went from sleeping to LOL mode. Really. my fiance had no clue why it was so funny.

I bet no one here knows what he shocker is. My friend has pulled it on some chicks ... with success!!!! This was over 5 years ago when we were in college.

So what is "The Shocker?"

....for future reference of course ;)


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ATLien247
Originally posted by: NFS4

So what is "The Shocker?"

....for future reference of course ;)

Two in the pink, one in the stink...

Interesting...although for some reason, rear **ahem** entry doesn't sound very appealing...


Golden Member
Aug 2, 2002
Hidden Hills is SO funny, I agree. It cracks me up big time- you dont have to be married to see the humor.

Last night was so funny, esp the refrigerator scene...I was rofl. Great show!

The Shocker: :Q


Jul 31, 2002
Originally posted by: ATLien247
Originally posted by: NFS4

So what is "The Shocker?"

....for future reference of course ;)

Two in the pink, one in the stink...

LMFAO, well said....LOL I was wondering if anyone could answer that indirectly....


Jul 31, 2002
Can you download the episodes from anywhere? I am across the ocean right now so I don't get to watch :(