Henckels International knife set 39.99


Oct 7, 2003
Too bad my wife just bought those stupid "Miracle Blade" knives off TV! (granted, they are pretty cool knives)

Looks like a good price for the JA's though.


Junior Member
Dec 7, 2003
NOTE: These are not the same thing as the high quality JA Henckels knives...these are the "International" kind. I'm not sure if it is the same company but the quality and manufaturing I know are completely separate.

The real ones have two of the little guys in the logo.


Senior member
Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: DJMiX
How are these compare to the pro version?
Went through this discussion just recently here.
There are 2 brands on top - Henkel and Wustoff (spelling may be wrong).
They both make several versions of their professional series. Differences are minor, based mainly on handles, with EXCELLENT LONG LIFE blades. I've only had my Henckels for about 25 years, and a friend has had his Wustoffs the same. These knives will be passed down to future generations. They hold an edge forever, sharpen well, have a good balance and are worth the price.
Both firms also make slightly lower grade knives, and I know Henckels makes a "commodity" brand also.
All grades are worth the price. But if you want something that lasts get the top of the line when it goes on sale. For example I waited 2 months to get the Henckels Four Star 7-Piece set at Amazon (gift) for $180, with an extra $20 coupon back because it was over $100. Thus my net cost will be $160. Today the price is back up to $220. So I saved $60 by waiting :)
A good link is at

this site.

Bottom line is that you pays your money and takes your chances.

Antisocial Virge

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 1999
Originally posted by: kof
Originally posted by: DJMiX
How are these compare to the pro version?
Went through this discussion just recently here.
There are 2 brands on top - Henkel and Wustoff (spelling may be wrong).
They both make several versions of their professional series. Differences are minor, based mainly on handles, with EXCELLENT LONG LIFE blades. I've only had my Henckels for about 25 years, and a friend has had his Wustoffs the same. These knives will be passed down to future generations. They hold an edge forever, sharpen well, have a good balance and are worth the price.
Both firms also make slightly lower grade knives, and I know Henckels makes a "commodity" brand also.
All grades are worth the price. But if you want something that lasts get the top of the line when it goes on sale. For example I waited 2 months to get the Henckels Four Star 7-Piece set at Amazon (gift) for $180, with an extra $20 coupon back because it was over $100. Thus my net cost will be $160. Today the price is back up to $220. So I saved $60 by waiting :)
A good link is at

this site.

Bottom line is that you pays your money and takes your chances.

Wife got me a 18 piece pro block set for my birthday. Price = :Q . The things are scary sharp. She kept the old crappy ones for her to use cause these actually scare her a bit.

edit : this is them

She had to promise the store that she would buy them if they ordered them in.


Senior member
Jun 17, 2003
Originally posted by: DJMiX
How are these compare to the pro version?

JA Henckels are made in Germany. They are not serrated except the specfically seratted ones.

Henkels knives are made in China using the same process and materials that are used in Infomerical and Faberware knives. Since they usually cannot hold an edge, they are micro-serrated. That means they are like little saws and cannot resharped. There are some that are not micro-serrated, they need to resharpened often.

These are just good as Miracle Blades. :)


Jan 26, 2003
Buying knives really depends on what you want out of them, so I'll toss some of my bait:

Popular brands [justknives101.com]
Knife info & FAQ [justknives101.com]
news: rec.food.equipment [google.com]

No doubt most people here in this forum are likely interested in the "Deals" part, but if you wanted to spend a bit more, you really owe it to yourself to hop into a store and try out the knives. (I've seen the Henckels and Wusthofs at stores like Kohls, the May stores (pricey!), Kitchens, Crate & Barrel, Williams-Sonoma. YMMV.)

Yes, good knives are sharp, and I've heard that if you injure yourself, it's better to have done it with sharp knife rather than a dull one. Worst I've done is cut out a wedge of fingernail.


Junior Member
Jul 14, 2003
I bought some of these knives at Kohls a couple months ago (set of 8", 5", and 3" for $15 on sale) and have been highly disappointed with them, even for that price. The "micro-serrated" edges don't do crap. I didn't know the difference at the time between the true Henckels knives (forged, made in Germany) and the cheap ones (stamped in China). Trying to cut raw chicken with them was a joke. Do yourself a favor, and buy ONE of the high-quality Henckels Pro or Wusthof Classic utility knives; you'll find yourself using it all the time, and it'll last a lifetime.


Aug 22, 2001
I got a set of Henckel four-star knives for an absurd price about two years ago (rang up $50 for a $200 7-piece set :D). They are spectacular knives. I'm thinking about getting my gf a set of Henckels for Christmas this year (perhaps five-star if I can find a decent deal).


Senior member
Dec 19, 2000
I'm a Wustof fan over Henckles, but both are good knives as long as you buy their professional knives. The Heckles everedge serrated knives are no better than those farberware knives you buy at Wal Mart. They sucker people in with the name.

I have 3 Wustoff knives and 2 Henckles. My favorite knife of all time is the Wüsthof Culinar Hollow Edge Santoku Knife The hollow edge is great and the quality of the knife is impecible. I also own a Wustof classic chefs knife and a paring knive. My heckles knives are a 4 star serrated bread knife and a 5 star carving knife. If you play your cards right you can get some hellacous sales on these knives at some of the higher end department store sales.