Help with E8400 on P5K Overclock


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2008
  1. Overview of the problem
    Basically I'm psyched to try to get my system to 4.0GHZ after I saw several people doing that with an E8400 at around 1.3vcore. What I have found is that I cannot keep it stable at 3.6, I have about 30 seconds at 3.8 and instant blue screen at 4.0 (Testing for FSB walls so I tried several different clock speeds) well I'm giving up random trying and asking for your help.
  2. Full description of the problem and symptoms

    I've set the Vcore at 1.36 and for some time it was relatively stable at 3.7GHZ, then I started getting random lockups and blue screens, I reset to stock and it became stable again. Now I want to try again to hit 4.0.

    Now I have done 24hours of memtest 86 with my ram so I'm fairly positive it is in working condition, (on another computer though if that makes a difference) although my sets are mismatched (both are Ballistics PC2-8500 just they have different heat spreaders and one set is rated at 2.0V and the other is rated at 2.2V, to be safe I run it at 2.2V, as well one sub timing is different but I run it at the slower one)

    Basically I would like to know anyone else settings with a similar set up, I'm on bios 1006 and here are the settings I used to be semi-stable at 3.7, although I can no longer duplicate that. Semi Stable meant about 4 hours of Orthos Stable and I used this setting for over a month without issue.

    Basically Now I cannot have anything stable, when entering at 3.6 it either bluescreens or completely locks up, at 3.8 it will get to the log in page then bluescreen, and at 4.0 it will not show the loading bar for windows. I have good cooling (8 fans and Freezer Pro 7) I just want to move to the next step everyone seems to be on.

    BIOS 1006 Settings
    Ai Overclock Tuner - Manual
    CPU Ratio Setting - Auto
    FSB Strap to Northbridge - Auto - can be set at 200, 266, 333, 400mhz
    FSB Freq - 410 - hoping to get to 450mhz
    PCIE Freq - 100
    DRAM Freq - 823 - keeping at 1:1
    DRAM timings 5-5-5-15 the rest AUTO
    DRAM Static Read Control - Disable
    Transaction Booster - Auto - can be set to ENABLED then 0-3
    CPU Vcore - 3.500
    CPU PLL Voltage - 1.50v - Can be set to AUTO or 1.70v
    FSB Term Voltage - 1.3v - Can be set to AUTO or 1.4v
    DRAM Voltage - 2.2v
    NB Voltage - 1.55v - Can be set to AUTO or 1.40v or 1.7v
    Clock Overcharging Voltage - AUTO - Can be set to 0.8v or 0.9v or 1.0v
    Load-Line Calibration - ENABLED
    CPU GTL Voltage Refernce - AUTO - Can be set to 0.63x or 0.61x or 0.59x or 0.57x
    NorthBridge GTL Voltage Reference - AUTO - Can be set to 0.67x or 0.61x
    CPU SpreadSpectrum - DISABLE
    PCIE SpreadSpectrum - DISABLE

    CPU Ratio Set - AUTO
    CIE Support - Disabled
    CPUTM Function - ENABLED
    Vanderpool Technology - DISABLED
    Executive Disable Bit - Disabled
    MaxCPUID Valve - Disabled
    Speedstep - Disabled

    The first setting is what I had it on and the others are what it can be, I`m not sure what everything means and I went by a random guide I found on the internet. If you can tell me what needs to be adjusted or what I need to do to make this happen it would be helpful

    Only changes made during semi stable overclock were installing Ubuntu.
  3. My software:

    • Vista Home Premium 64Bit
      Windows Firewall
      AVG Free 7.5
      Using Everest for checking computer
      Ubuntu 32Bit
    • My hardware

      • HD 1 WD Raptor Vista Home Premium 64bit
        HD 2 Seagate 7200 250GB Ubuntu 32Bit
        E8400 - Artic Freezer Pro 7
        ASUS P5K
        8800GTS 640 - HR-03 Plus
        4x1 Ballistix PC2-8500
        Enermax Noise Taker II 600w
        Armor Case - Lots of fans

        Mods - not sure if this belonged in CPUs and Overclocking or Computer Help, so I just guessed, move if in wrong area


Senior member
Nov 6, 2007
Basically I'm psyched to try to get my system to 4.0GHZ after I saw several people doing that with an E8400 at around 1.3vcore.
I think that's your problem right there. Just cuz the next guy can doesn't mean you can even if you both got the identical (no such things in computing) parts. Every cpu isn't made equal.


Platinum Member
Mar 24, 2002
Originally posted by: akhilles
Basically I'm psyched to try to get my system to 4.0GHZ after I saw several people doing that with an E8400 at around 1.3vcore.
I think that's your problem right there. Just cuz the next guy can doesn't mean you can even if you both got the identical (no such things in computing) parts. Every cpu isn't made equal.

Ram has a lot to do with it also as by filling up all 4 banks puts stress on the NB. It is great to have your sights set high, but as for getting there can be a bit more complicated. Also getting to 4.0g on air with be a feat in itself. "Aigomoria" should be on this one for his input.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
Remove two of your sticks of RAM, and your problems overclocking will magically go away. BTW, run HCI Memtest at stock speed; you may very well have a bad stick of RAM. Memtest86 is utterly worthless.


Jul 5, 2004
All processors are not created equal. You can't assume that you'll be able to hit 4.0 GHz on 1.3 vcore just because you've seen others do it.

It took almost 1.42 vcore (1.39 after vdroop) to get my Wolfdale relatively stable at 4.0, even with 2 sticks of RAM. I backed off to 3.82 @ 1.36 vcore (1.328 after vdroop) - it just wasn't worth the extra ~.6 vcore and 10 degrees Celsius for another 200MHz.


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2008
ok I pop out one set and give it a try

EDIT: So I have been able to hit 3.9 at 1.34v and nothing higher, so I have decided tweak it as much as possible to get it running the way I want, picked up dominators 2x2GB and running that at 1078mhz 5-5-3-13 at 2.1v and working on getting a higher freq, I'm sure my chip can do 4.0 on a better motherboard but I don't feel like buying a new one so call it a victory at 3.9