Help using UNIX systems!


Senior member
Jul 20, 2000

Hello people!
I'm using this unix system and I need some help.

Currently, I'm using PINE as my news group reader but it is basically not a good news reader. So I tried using ELM and it was totally unacceptable. I tried TIN but it doesn't have good interfaces. And it's annoying too.
So can anybody tell me a good news reader I could use in UNIX Systems?

In UNIX systems, to view a file I use the command "more [filename]" or "less [filename]". But after the file shows on screen, I need to press the spacebar to view the next page of the file. Is there any command or a program I could use so that when I open a text file, I can press the "down arrow" to scroll down line by line?

In some UNIX systems, when I press "emacs" I can use emacs on my terminal window. But in some machines, this command gives me some error. When I get the error, does it mean that the machine does not have emacs installes on HD?
Also, when I can use emacs on my terminal window, the "delete" button must be used to go "backspace". When I press "backspace" it is some other command. So is there a way to reconfigure the key functions so that the when I press "backspace" it actually goes "backspace" ?

I know these are a lot of questions but any help is appreciated.

(I posted this in the wrong forum before I saw this forum. This might be the better forum to post this.)



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
1. Many versions of Unix will run Netscape. Search and see if Netscape is available and use it's built-in news reader.

2. You can use "vi" which is really an editor more than a viewer. This will allow you to move through the file 1 line at a time. Or your can use "view" which is the non editing version of "vi".

3. VI is the "standard" editor that is found on the largest number of systems. I used to use emacs on Linux exclusively until I started to work with Solaris 2.6 at work. So I learned VI. It is cryptic but almost "universally" available. The error you are getting is "more than likely" because emacs is not installed.

As far as your backspace key, it is a pretty big annoyance huh? I hate it. I am not sure what version of "UNIX" you are running but in Solaris you can type "stty erase ^H" and it will make the backspace key work again, but only for the current shell. If you want it available everytime you are logged in, put it in your .cshrc, .login, or .profile depending on the shell you are using.

I hope I have answered some of your questions.


Senior member
Jul 20, 2000
Thank you for your help Jaraxal!
I'll start using view.

VI...that's way too hard for me.
I'd like to learn it though.
Is there a web site that lists all the crucial and the most important commands for VI?

also, when I log in to my terminal, I can use my backspace to go backspace. But when I open up emacs on my terminal, the backspace stops going backspace. So I think emacs
changes the configuration of the key strokes. Do you know how to tell emacs to regonize the backspace?

Also, I always have to manually type stty erase ^H to use my backspace in the terminal. I have a .profile file in my local direcory. What should I write in it so that everytime I log in, the command stty erase ^H is automatically performed?

I'd appreciate any help!


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Hmm. I am not too familiar with emacs, so I can't tell you how to configure it.

To be honest, there MAY be a site that covers the essentials if VI, but I am not sure. I recommend Oreilly & Associates Learning the VI Editor. But the following are the most basic and useful commands :

To save a file -> ":w"
To quit -> ":"+"q" (stupid smiley face keeps showing up.)
To save and quit -> ":wq"
To quit without saving changees -> ":i"+"q!" (stupid smiley face keeps showing up.)
To replace a single character -> "r"
To replace a whole word -> "cw"
To insert text at cursor -> "i"
To insert text after cursor -> "a"
To insert text at the end of the line -> "A"
To find something -> "/string/"

Those are just the basics, but should be good enought to get you started.

To have the backspace key work automatically when you log in, all you have to do is put the same command you time at the command line into the .profile, .cshrc or .login. In other words, just put the "stty erase ^H" on a line in the file.

For example :

#.profile Copyright 2000

stty erase ^H
set filec

etc ...

The "set filec" is a good one to have. By press the Escape key (at least on Solaris machines) the operating system will attempt to complete the current file you have partially typed if it exists in the directory.

For example :

root@mymachine# cp /tmp/my

will auto complete by press the Escape key to :

root@mymachine# cp /tmp/my.file

if there is a file called "my.file" in "/tmp".

I hope I didn't confuse you....

Any more questions or clarifications ... just ask. I'll do my best to help.


Senior member
Jul 20, 2000
Thanks a lot Jaraxal!!
Helped me save a few seconds everytime.

Is VI better than emacs? or faster?
If so, I'll learn it...

do you know how to program in C?
If so can you help me with this?
I posted the question here: link to question

I'd appreciate any help. link to question


Senior member
Aug 12, 2000
vi vs. emacs. You know, the first flamewar on Usenet was over this :)

This is a classical debate. Neither is superior :)

emacs power is in LISP support etc, while vi strives for simplicity.


Golden Member
Oct 14, 1999
I feel your pain. I've been struggling with VI since I started my new job. There's definitely a learning curve involved,especially if you've never used Unix before(like me).


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
I am glad to be of help.

I am not too versed in the ways of C ... though I am going to put some effort into learning it. I working on Perl right now.

As far as which is better : vi vs. emacs, I guess it all boils down to your personal preference. Heck I'd much rather use something I can drag 'n drop with. ;-)

The only really reason I can think of to learn vi is so that you are familiar with an editor that is virtually on every "unix" flavor there is ... like I explained before, you won't find emacs on every system you use.


Sep 28, 2000
1 There is a fast newsreader thats called xrn that you could try.

2 An easy editor to use is xedit, it doesnt have alot of fancy functions as emacs and vi but
if you are new to Unix system its easy to learn and use.

3 It might be that that there is no emacs on that system, but it could also mean you dont have
emacs in your path.