Help to buy a new card

Ahmed Riyad

Apr 18, 2014
Hello everybody

A couple of days ago I bought a new PC with the help of precious members in the General Hardware forum.
Its specs are as following:

Mobo : Gigabyte H61M-S2P
CPU: Intel® Pentium G2030 3.0GHz 3MB Cache
RAM: Kingston ValueRAM 4GB DDR3 1600MHz CL11 1.5V
Hard disk: 500GB WD
PSU: FSP300-60THA(1PF) 300W ATX
Screen: Samsung 18.5" with resolution 1366x768

I need the card for games like (NFS The RUN , NFS Most Wanted II , NFS Rivals , BF3 , BF4)

I have a restricted budget 700-1000 LE (but I prefer to be less than 1000)

This is a link of available video cards in Egypt with their prices

Waiting for your help :)
NB: I dont have any experience in this field


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2012
The best you are going to get for that price is either a Nvidia GTX750 or an AMD 260X, anything lower really isn't worth considering for the battlefield games.

You will want a 2GB card if you want to play with the highest textures in Battlefield, although you may be able to get away with 1GB if you don't use MSAA and are playing at a resolution less than 1920x1080.
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Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2012
Does your power supply have any 6 pin graphics card connectors?


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2012
I think the best you are going to be able to get is a GTX 750 as it doesn't require the power cable.

I'd still be a little cautions with that power supply as it looks like it is a cheap model, you may get away with it but if there are any problems with it switching off or not starting up properly you should change that to a decent one. Ask on the forums and someone will guide you.

To be honest I would change it anyway as cheap power supplies can be dangerous and if they fail it is possible they could damage some of the rest of your equipment. but if you don't have the money yet it should be ok for now.

Ahmed Riyad

Apr 18, 2014
What about the GTX 650 2GB GDDR5?

If the Gigabyte GTX 750 OC doesn't need that connector , will it be a better choice?

Is Zotac a good manufacturer?


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2004
Anandtech's Bench unfortunately lacks the vanilla 750, but it's still pretty useful:

The 750 Ti is around 25% faster than the 750, you can infer from that, or maybe throw in a 650 Ti, which is something like 90-95% as fast as a vanilla 750. If you're lacking a 6-pin connector, you can buy one separately, and some cards even come with one.



Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2012
The 650 is about half as fast as a 650TI I would definitely not recommend it for gaming. There is a 650TI listed for 1150 but the 750 is faster and uses less power, so there is less chance of something going wrong with the PSU.

The gigabyte is factory overclocked so it will be faster than the standard 750 and it will be cooler as it has a better fan system. You could probably get away with that and the cable shown above.

Zotac are a decent brand, nothing special but I don't think they have a bad reputation.

You might also consider the AMD 260X if you are considering the above cable. It is slightly faster than the 750 in Battlefield (and most likely other games that use that engine, like NFS The Run and Rivals), it consumes slightly more power but you will be able to take advantage of Mantle in BF4 and other games that feature Mantle which lets the graphics card make better use of the CPU.

It also offers Trueaudio which can give you much nicer sound in games that support it. The only one so far is Thief 2014 but I'm sure more will come.


Platinum Member
Sep 11, 2013
I would stick with the 750 due to that power supply. i would not feel comfortable using an OEM 300W PSU with a 260X or any card that requires a power connector.

Ahmed Riyad

Apr 18, 2014
or maybe throw in a 650 Ti, which is something like 90-95% as fast as a vanilla 750


There is a 650TI listed for 1150 but the 750 is faster

confusing , isn't it?

I would stick with the 750 due to that power supply
If I can change the PSU to a better one with the power connector built in , which card should I buy then ???

Sapphire R7 260X 2GB GDDR5 + better PSU = will cost me about 200-300 LE more , is it worth?

The 750 but only the 2gb mode

I dont think it's easy to find the GTX750(non-Ti) 2GB version in my area & I will have to travel about 300 Kms to buy it , is it worth?


Platinum Member
Sep 11, 2013
If I can change the PSU to a better one with the power connector built in , which card should I buy then ???

Sapphire R7 260X 2GB GDDR5 + better PSU = will cost me about 200-300 LE more , is it worth?

If you had the extra money for a better PSU, I'd say to get a 750 Ti instead (without upgrading the PSU) unless you want to have the better PSU there in case of future system upgrades.


Golden Member
May 3, 2011
The 750 but only the 2gb model

I just noticed you're playing at a low rez. You will be ok with a 1gb card as long as you don't go above that resolution. My suggestion get the 750. It will save you headache and match your system and rez adequately.
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