I had a new build working fine for about 24 hours. Last night I decided to add a front panel Firewire connector to it. It needs a floppy drive power cable to connect. Anyway, I apparently misaligned the connector by 1 pin when I installed it. Within literally 2 seconds of me turning on the computer, there was the smell of burnt plastic and smoke was pouring out of the case. I turned it off as quickly as I could and popped it open. The power cable connected to the front panel was burned through and the copper wire was exposed and broken.
Anyway, I guess my main concern is what damage this might have done to the rest of my computer. I don't see any signs of physical damage anywhere other than the PSU cable. I tried restarting the computer and it seems to boot but will always abruptly shut down just as it's loading the desktop, sometimes sooner.
So I guess my question is, how likely is it that getting a new power supply will fix my problem?
Anyway, I guess my main concern is what damage this might have done to the rest of my computer. I don't see any signs of physical damage anywhere other than the PSU cable. I tried restarting the computer and it seems to boot but will always abruptly shut down just as it's loading the desktop, sometimes sooner.
So I guess my question is, how likely is it that getting a new power supply will fix my problem?