HELP Please! My TDK 24/1040 is slow


Junior Member
Feb 12, 2002
It takes me 7-8 minutes (plus) to burn a properly certified (24X speed) disk.
I am using the latest version of Nero (5.7 something) and also have the latest version of Easy CD. The dma thing should be correct. In addition, I frequently have proplems with the RW function. This is true especially if I record at the 10X speed. After recording I get a "full disk" statement in properties, regardless of the fact that I only recorded a portion of the darn thing. Then the drive freezes.

I had a similar problem with a lite-on, now in another box. I have late model Dell box with XP (upgraded) and 128 megs of (RD)ram. The recorder is the only one on the connection and is set at "master"

Thank you.