Help on a new build


Senior member
Jul 3, 2009
My pc keeps crashing even after a new install.
thought it was the sound card but that didn't help much the CPU and vid card are water cooled so not easy checking for problems there.

Will be used for gaming. surfing the net, email, you tube and so on.
Just tying to play Guild Wars 2 at this point can't play it or any other game for more than a min.
Live in the USA and budget is $900 or less.
I tried to put a skylake build together but get expensive fast so a the next gen below that would be better I guess. My PC is 3 years old.
Will keep the 2 SSD's I have the Keyboard monitor mouse and the case. have a xtra copy of windows 7 too.
Looking for a good Mother Board. The one mentioned in the mid range build has a lot of bad revives on new egg.

I think my system may have got spiked by a power surge, I would of thought of keeping the CPU, vid card and the power supply but not sure they are any good still they fail under minor stress.
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Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2001
It could be something relatively simple to fix rather than going for a complete new build. A 3 year old build would put you into IvyBridge territory which is still plenty serviceable. You happen to have any crash logs at all when it crashes, symptoms, temps?


Senior member
Jul 3, 2009
All temps are good, don't have them on hand but i recorded them before i reformatted the drives. One thing I suspect is the power supply a Enermax Plantimax 1k power supply it had very good reviews when i got it but haven't seen much of them any more.
Voltages seemed good.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2001
Enermax is still around and still building very good PSUs so I'm a bit doubtful that it's your PSU. It could be a number of things though without symptoms at this point. It could be a stick of RAM is bad, your GPU is having issues or something else altogether. I'll grant that if it turns out to be a motherboard or CPU issue you might as well upgrade. Insofar as the motherboard getting bad reviews on newegg I take those reviews with a huge grain of salt. ASRock boards are generally well designed and give a good bang for your buck.


Senior member
Jul 3, 2009
I tried to install a Sapppeher HD 7770. I uninstalled the GTX 708 TI ( removed the power cords and Display port cable and the drivers). could not remove the from the MB, The loop going to the CPU and from the reservoir was to tight. Placed the 770 in the second PCI slot withe the power cable and it said I needed to hook up the PCI Bridge. Guess i will need to remove all of the water cooling system to determine what is wrong. Don't look forward to that lol.