Well, I'm upgrading a PC for my colleague, who's running a P3 667 with 64MB SDR, 10GB HDD and a motherboard with the SiS630E chipset (integrated sound, graphics). I'll probably get him a new stick of 256MB or 512MB, replace the HDD and add in a Liteon CDRW drive.
For the Hard Disk, IBM ones are out of my consideration because of their reliability issues, so I am left with Western Digital, Maxtor or Seagate. From what I've read, the Western Digital drives with 8MB cache yield the best performance (not counting the newest IBM 180GXP) but I have a question.
Since the motherboard supports up to ATA-66, is it wise to get the Western Digital drive? What I want to know is that can ATA-66 take advantage of the 8MB cache in WD drives? If not, I'll just stick to other brands since the WD drives are more expensive.
For the Hard Disk, IBM ones are out of my consideration because of their reliability issues, so I am left with Western Digital, Maxtor or Seagate. From what I've read, the Western Digital drives with 8MB cache yield the best performance (not counting the newest IBM 180GXP) but I have a question.
Since the motherboard supports up to ATA-66, is it wise to get the Western Digital drive? What I want to know is that can ATA-66 take advantage of the 8MB cache in WD drives? If not, I'll just stick to other brands since the WD drives are more expensive.