Help! Need best OC config on AthlonXP


Senior member
Jul 3, 2001
AMD AthlonXP 1700+ (1.47GHz)
1x512MB Corsair XMS3200 C2 DDR400
MSI KT3-Ultra
Gainward GF4 Ti4400 (default clocked) w/ latest Detonator40s
WinXP Pro

Currently OCed @ 1.76GHz (10 x 175) running @ 1.75v
DDR Timings are currently 2-2-2-5 *i think
Stable in Windows and games...however, 3dMark2001 reboots my PC on car test #2

I would like to hit 1.8GHz w/ a 200FSB or better
Please assist me in getting the best OC w/ my setup that will run stable in 3dMark2001, thanks!


Senior member
Apr 5, 2002
Try Prime95. Run it for about 15-20 min. If it succeeds, your 3dmark error is probably due to fsb/mem overclocking. If it fails (you get an error), you need to crank up your vcore a notch. Watch the temps -- with MBM or your favorite tool. If Prime95 runs with no errors, try increasing your memory timings. Seeing that you have XMS3200, I seriously doubt you have memory problems at 350MHz...

Do you have 1/5 divider set (166fsb=33pci)? I'm guessing yes, 175/4 is probably too much for your pci/agp. Anyway, bottom line is you probably need to bump up your cpu voltage. Run Prime95; I bet you'll get an error in the first 5 minutes, but run it for half an hour to be sure (you did say you can't complete a 3dmark, that should be plenty).

btw what power supply are you running? LMK about my ?'s and try Prime95.



Senior member
Jul 3, 2001
Thanks for the reply Jaybee! I am currently using an Antec 400W PSU. What's the maximum voltage for an AthlonXP before it becomes dangerous? I don't know about my dividers...the mobo doesn't show it.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2002
Originally posted by: Jza
Thanks for the reply Jaybee! I am currently using an Antec 400W PSU. What's the maximum voltage for an AthlonXP before it becomes dangerous? I don't know about my dividers...the mobo doesn't show it.

You've got plenty of power then. The AXP can handle 1.85v safely; the only issue is overheating, and you can watch your temps through software.

I checked out the KT3-Ultra manual and I don't see any indication of a 166/33 mode. You might want to ask someone on the Motherboards forum about your board. You might be at the end of the line for fsb overclocking.

Try the suggestions in my first reply. You may be able to bump up vcore and go higher.
