HELP ME ATOT, YOU'RE (maybe) MY ONLY HOPE! I need paper!

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May 29, 2003
This is pretty lame but it's been driving me nuts!

I have this leather small note book I got when some large company was trying to win over some business for a project I was working on.

This was about 2 years ago and now I've reached the end of the blank pages and need more paper for it.

I for the life of me cannot find replacement paper for this effer though.

The very last page says it gold edged journal paper and the company name is "The Barrington Group" but no website or item number or anything like that.

I did Google that company and am sure I found the site but couldn't find any options for refills that looked to be a good match and the crap they did have refills for was laughably expensive like $15 for a paper refill.

Sooooooooooooooooo (long breath)

Where the hell can I just get some damn paper that'll fit this sob and not cost an arm and a leg?

It's about a half inch thick.

Just under 8 and a half inches tall and just under 6 inches wide.

HELP!! I feel naked without it :(

I've looked at every office supply store possible and Amazon without any success yet.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Office Max will make you a gummed pad of paper any size you want.
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