Ok so one day I remember that I had my settings on headphones instead of 2.1 which is my usual setup when im not gameing, so I click on my icon in the taskbar which should bring up Mixer.exe, instead, the windows volume control comes up.
Heres where my headache started. I cant seem to run mixer.exe. I mean I find it, and run it, and it runs windows volume control, a whole other program(sndvol32.exe). This just started happening for no apparent reason. Now I cant do squat with this windows volume control.
I have built in C-MEDIA CMI8738 chipset. I have the 6036 drivers. I've tried upgrading, downgrading, nothing works. I actually ended up running system restore when each time i tried new drivers the SPDIF would be disabled by default thus causing my speakers not to work because their using the SPDIF out.
I've almost resorted to looking for a santa cruz deal!
what to do!! HELP ME!
Heres where my headache started. I cant seem to run mixer.exe. I mean I find it, and run it, and it runs windows volume control, a whole other program(sndvol32.exe). This just started happening for no apparent reason. Now I cant do squat with this windows volume control.
I have built in C-MEDIA CMI8738 chipset. I have the 6036 drivers. I've tried upgrading, downgrading, nothing works. I actually ended up running system restore when each time i tried new drivers the SPDIF would be disabled by default thus causing my speakers not to work because their using the SPDIF out.
I've almost resorted to looking for a santa cruz deal!
what to do!! HELP ME!