Help! GA-7VRXP problem with on board sound and BIOS


Junior Member
Jul 28, 2002
I have just assembled a new PC with GA-7VRXP mother board. I run the Windows smoothly but there is no sound although I installed the software and when I start the computer there is the following message at the very beginning (black screen): "BIOS is not installed because there are no drives attached"
In the system I have AMD XP 1700 ,IBM 80 Gigs HDD, Pioneer DVD- ROM, 512 DDR (2700 Samsung), Radeon 8500 LE (128 DDR, but its software is not installed yet) , Creative lab 56 PCI modem , and a floppy(sony). the audio software instalation seems to be O K but there is no sound ( Ido not Think that I have diabled the sound during instalation but I don not know how to double check it?) ,The Motherboard has " standard CMOS Setup". I would appreciate your inputs, should I exchange the MOBO or there is something that I can do about sound.


Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member<br>AT FAQ M
Oct 9, 1999
BIOS is not installed because there are no drives attached
That's the RAID Controller telling you that no drives have been attached, and therefore it won't load the RAID Controller BIOS.

If you don't plan to use the onboard RAID Controller, you can disable it in the BIOS to prevent this message.


May 4, 2002
pitt, best place to post would be in They have hundreds of 7VRXP users like u.

As for sound, double check the following things:

1) Is sound chip in the BIOS turned on?

2) Have u installed the sound drivers from the gigabyte CD?

3) Are u using good speakers to test the sound?