HELP! C2D E6700 Overheating :(


Junior Member
Jan 10, 2007
Hi! I'm using an Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 CPU (2.66Ghz) and a Intel BOXD975XBX2KR (Bad Axe 2) Motherboard. I have a Vigor Gaming CPU cooler (here's a link ).

I have everything on default settings and my computer runs fine but when I run Orthos it overheats at about a minute with just a CPU stress test. RMClock shows my Core Temp as 43-46 C at idle. During the Stress Test it jumps to 58-59 C. :(

Could this be b/c my CPU Cooler isn't installed properly? What am I doing wrong?

Bus Speed is at 266mhz and a Multiplier of 10x. CPU Voltage is at 1.325v which is the default.

I don't have any problems with it overheating when doing others things (gaming and such it does fine) but something isn't right. =/ I really want to Overclock it to 3.2ghz but with it overheating right now...I'm scared to.


Aug 7, 2007
The main reasons are because you either applied too little thermal compound, too much, or your heatsink is seated wrong. First tell us how you applied as5. If you applied it correctly, then it means that your heatsink is not making complete contact with the cpu. It is probably screwed in crooked. Hope this helps.

Edit: Also try a different temperature monitor. Maybe the one you are currently using is reading the temperature wrong.


Junior Member
Jan 10, 2007
Thanks for the quick reply!

I'm positive it's reading it correctly cause Orthos stopped once it got up to 58C and the Motherboard started beeping.

When I added thermal compound I applied some to the center and then used an old credit card and spread it as much as I could over the top and evenly as I could. I covered almost all of the CPU with thermal compound. I was using Artic Silver.


Platinum Member
Jan 27, 2007
I get the same temps with the stock cooler.

But it all depends on the room and your case ambient temperatures, so I don't see a reason for alarm. Also, it takes up to 2 weeks for the thermal paste to work properly.

If you OC and the temps rise over 65C, you should probably re-seat your HSF. Also, try adding the side fan blowing on the processor, and use the 120mm exhaust fan in the back of the case with min. 1800RPM.

And turn-off your C1E and Enhanced Speed Step - let the HSF work at the rated speeds.

Good luck!


Platinum Member
Jan 27, 2007
Originally posted by: Mizled
Thanks for the quick reply!

I'm positive it's reading it correctly cause Orthos stopped once it got up to 58C and the Motherboard started beeping.

When I added thermal compound I applied some to the center and then used an old credit card and spread it as much as I could over the top and evenly as I could. I covered almost all of the CPU with thermal compound. I was using Artic Silver.

You are not supposed to cover the whole CPU - only a strip the middle.


Junior Member
Jan 10, 2007
Originally posted by: JustaGeek
I get the same temps with the stock cooler.

But it all depends on the room and your case ambient temperatures, so I don't see a reason for alarm. Also, it takes up to 2 weeks for the thermal paste to work properly.

If you OC and the temps rise over 65C, you should probably re-seat your HSF. Also, try adding the side fan blowing on the processor, and use the 120mm exhaust fan in the back of the case with min. 1800RPM.

And turn-off your C1E and Enhanced Speed Step - let the HSF work at the rated speeds.

Good luck!

Well why would my Motherboard beep? Intel says about that temp is too high for the E6700 it definitely shouldn't get that hot. I do have a 120mm exhaust fan behind it.


Senior member
Jul 13, 2007
From looking at the link it seems you have a fan made for amd sockets. I have no clue if you have an adapter kit or not but or how you got it on but a $100 cooler should not perform like that


Platinum Member
Jan 27, 2007
Verify that the CPU fan is running full speed.

I would rather deal with a little more fan noise than heat related problems.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
LOL @ 59C "overheating" :roll:

I am so tired of seeing threads on C2D temps.

60C is nothing.

80C under load, okay, that's nearly overheating.

That being said, it's possible it's not mounted properly...might wanna check that out.



Platinum Member
Jan 27, 2007
Originally posted by: zach0624
From looking at the link it seems you have a fan made for amd sockets. I have no clue if you have an adapter kit or not but or how you got it on but a $100 cooler should not perform like that


I use the stock Intel cooler, it came with the CPU.


May 22, 2007
70c, 80c, whatever, you need to really try to get that high, anyway. I ran my cpu at 1.64v and 3704 in bios overnight with seti@home on both cores and it never got above 66c.


Junior Member
Jan 10, 2007
OK as an update I re-applied thermal grease and just used a little bit and only put a strip in the middle like the instructions. My temps are much lower now. At idle it's at about 33C and I'm running a stress test now which has been going for over 5min now and it hasn't gotten above 44-45C. It's sitting at about 44C while running the stress test. I will let it run for about 30minutes and then maybe try to overclock it.

By staying at 1.325v how high can I overclock it? Can I achieve 3.22Ghz with that voltage? SHould I try to overclock it more? What do you guys suggest. (First time overclocking here)


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Mizled
OK as an update I re-applied thermal grease and just used a little bit and only put a strip in the middle like the instructions. My temps are much lower now. At idle it's at about 33C and I'm running a stress test now which has been going for over 5min now and it hasn't gotten above 44-45C. It's sitting at about 44C while running the stress test. I will let it run for about 30minutes and then maybe try to overclock it.

By staying at 1.325v how high can I overclock it? Can I achieve 3.22Ghz with that voltage? SHould I try to overclock it more? What do you guys suggest. (First time overclocking here)

Yes 3.33GHz at 1.325V is realistic, but it depends how much your motherboard vdroops, a process whereby the Vcore falls when the system it put under load. Say it's 1.32V at idle and 1.25V under load, this may cause it to flake out, i.e. crash or reboot.

I believe there's a pencil mod for your model of board that allows you to fix up the vdroop issue should it be a problem, using a HB pencil. Google it and check.

As for what I would do, well I would aim for 3.33GHz on a 1333MHz because your multiplier is 10x and quite frankly these numbers both seem realistic and look good. I myself hate non rounded numbers when it comes to clock speeds. 3.33 and 1333 has a nice ding to it and will be plenty fast, you'll see. That's 666MHz free performance.


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2004
Zach0624 made a point. The link you provided for the cooler shows a heatsink fan that's only compatible with AMD sockets. How exactly did you put that on your Intel C2D??