If you know the HDD password (which you say you do), you should be able to put it in another T60 (or T60p/T61/T61P)and get access to the data (may have to switch the HD from 'AHCI' to 'compatibility' mode in the BIOS, and then boot into safe mode too. While you're in the BIOS, you may want to consider removing the HD pwd at this time, if you wont have access to another laptop in the near future.
Put drive into 'loaner' laptop
Mash F1 button a bunch of times on BIOS screen to get to BIOS options
-Enter HD pwd at the little cylinder looking HD pwd prompt thingee
go to <Security - Password - Hard Disk Password> using the arrow keys/<enter> key
enter the HD password, hit <enter>, then on the next 2 lines just hit <enter> to blank out/erase the HD pwd.
See the 'changes have been saved' and mash ok
Mash F10 to save and exit
Now if the password turns out to be a Supervisor pwd......replace the mobo. If it's merely a Power On Password (POP), remove the keyboard/palmrest and unplug the CMOS battery for a minute.
Good luck! For some strange reason, sometimes you'll be unable to reset/erase a HD password on a 'temp/loaner' laptop. Instead, the Hard Disk Password option will be 'greyed out', leaving you unable to change/erase it. I'm not quite sure what it is, but I've had it happen a couple times where I've taken a drive from a T60/p/T61/p/T400/T410, and tried to remove the HD password because the mobo had died. I cant remember exactly what model laptop HD I was putting into which different model laptop shell 'cause it happens so rarely. Hopefully yours will work out ok.
Sorry for the rambling...lol. I'm doing this from memory so steps may be a bit off