Headbanger Universal Earsubs Headphones EDIT MY Koss Headphone came in see inside for review between the two.


Nov 13, 2001
I want to say I have had my set for quite some time and they still kick ass. Site shows it in the PSP section and description says PSP only but the numbers on it are the universal one. I haven't bought from them but if you do please chime in and conferm if they trully are the universals or not, even though they are pictured and stocked as them. Thanks.

As far as sound quality goes, I think the closing comment made in this review sums it up very well. Better then I can put it, and holds very true.
To look at them isn't necessarily to love them. As far as aesthetics go, the HeadBanger Ear Subs look typical, and not especially stylish. But testing the universals out with a song with any kind of heavy bassline proved that it can pull off a great listening experience. If you weren't absolutely sure of yourself, you'd swear you were wearing a giant pair of enormous headphones over your ears while listening to these.

That last part is so true. When I first got mine I had to keep taking them off for I swore the bass I was hearing was coming from my sub and not these. And there are reviews of a hum with a PSP connected to these. Yes there is and for some weird reason just re-positioning the sub box makes the hum go away. I think its amplifying a radio signal being ommited from the PSP itself, the wireless Internet link perhaps?

Anyway I know for a lot of you who must have name brand blah blah blah will find it hard to believe that a $17 pair of headphone can sound good, hate to bust your bubble, they do and well worth the $17 and sound better then any headphones I have ever bought including expensive ones. They truly have to be heard to be believed, OH and they will perminitly damage your hearing. Warning right on the box about high levels with these ;)

And I read one review about people with small ear holes wont be able to use these because they wont fit right, normal ear hole people are ok and will fit perfectly and wont fall out at all, Im one of them and never had a issue with them wanting to fall out. Problem solved, read the edit edit below

Coupon GC10 is on the site homepage. Thanks to szechuanpork for the heads up!

Be sure though at checkout you have model # HH10 in your cart and apply the coupon to take advantage of the extra 10% off.
I read one site say the coupon expired yesterday and one today, the 19th, anyone jump on this chime in please :D

EDIT for Review between the $12.88 Koss from Amazon that was offered here on the HD and the headbangers
OK after hearing so much about Koss "Spark Plugs" and reading the reviews on them I thought I would spend the money on the Koss for my son needed a pair of better headphone then what came with his MP3 player we got him for Christmas. I did a Bias review/testing with them playing rock, dance, and hiphop to test them between highs, mids, and bass and over all sound quality. I used my PSP as the bas player and used the same music for each set of headphones.
Music tested was:
Chingy "I Do"
Terror Squad "Lean Back"
Skindred "Nobody"
Xzibit "Lax"
Felix Da Housecat "Rocket Ride"
Spider Bait "Black Betty"
Supertramp "Monday"
Bealtles "Live and Let Die"
Guns and Roses "Live and Let Die"
Shaggy "Oh Carolina"
Yello "Oh Yeah" This one sound freakin awesome on the bangers so much I have never heard.
Soundgarden "Outshined"
Madness "Primrose Hill"
ZZ Top "Sharp Dressed Man"

All music chosen for the highs, mids, and deep bass lines, and of course some that I like to listen to :D All music that should make either set shine and stand out from one another.

First off I do like the way the Koss fit my ears. Much better and a little more comfortable with the expanding foam inserts, other then that sad to say they just couldnt hold a candle to the Headbagers IMO. The cord is almost 2 feet shorter so it didnt quite make it to my Logitech Pod without me having to scoot up closer and then god forbid I turned my head suddenly, they will def pop out for there wasnt much cord left even though I moved closer.

As for sound on the PSP with the music, it did get low, not near as low though as the headbanges get, also the mids and highs are severely lacking when compaired to the headbangers. They were not as pronounced and they sounded like headphones where as the bangers sound more like regular speakers and gave more of a open feeling to all the music I played. The music played with the Koss sounded more muffled and tube like, and I noticed on really deep notes the mids and highs got washed out because the headphones couldn't handle doing the low bass and the rest at the same time. They were no where near as loud, I could turn them up all the way and would really distort on low bass notes, then, where as if I did the same song with the bangers I couldnt keep it at the max volume because my ears would hurt and tickle badly, but there was NO distortion at all during it.

Overall they really are not to bad of a set of headphones for $13 if thats your budget, but by no means was I blown away like I was when I first heard music played on the bangers, it is a night and day difference and well worth the extra $5 to get the bangers if you can afford to do so. The Koss sound like any other set of headphones I have ever owned other then they do hit pretty low for what they are, but still when they are in my ears I know they are headphones Im listening to. When I got the bangers I had to constantly take them out because I swore up and down my sub under my desk was helping with the bass I was hearing and had to keep telling myself the speakers were muted, your hearing these headphones only, and that took awhile.

If they were better I would come out and say so, I am being truthfully honest and I still feel if the bangers were stamped with a different brand name people wouldnt judge them the way they do basing them on the brand name.

No I did not put these against the other Koss people mentioned for I didnt have to funds for them and they are in a different class of headphones. These are plugs, the bangers are plugs, and so many reviews on the Koss Sparkplugs from self proclaimed Audiophiles made me think it was going to be a fair fight between the two, unfortunatly the bangers smacked them in everything I threw at them but fit (See edit edit below), which the Koss came with a extra set of foams I am going to try to fit to the bangers ;)

That is all, I bought them both, I own them both, I can say what I can because I own them, in my hand, and not basing them on brand names, what they look like, or other people tell me, I am basing them both on ownership and time spent testing them out against each other. If I had more money sure I would buy something else but this is for the broke ass people like myself that dont wish to, or cannot, drop $50+ on a set but still want good sound cheap. I stand by what I been saying and you still cant find better then the bangers for $20 bucks.

As far as fit with the bangers, ANYONE who owns these buy a spare set of expanding foams for the Koss sparkplugs and take the center hard piece out, its just lightly glued and pulls right out. Take the rubber plugs off the the bangers and they fit! They are super comfortable in my ears now and I would assume that since you can press the foam to make it shrink and then they expand it will allow the bangers fit almost anyones ear. They feel much more secure in my ear and has not effect the sound in any way. I have shook my head franticly and they wont even budge, I've even let the battery box dangle and moved around and they didn't fall out of my ears, they seal better and really block out outside sounds almost completely.

Final edit
Got my hands on the Ultrasone CD (right click and save me)
thanks to this thread right here . It is all kinds of music, drums, nature, you name in in Flac, pure audio bliss. All I can say is the Koss coudnt hold a candle to what the headbangers were giving to me in audio form. It was clear, clean, crisp, and Im listening to it right now in awe. Anyone with a good set, and the headbangers, needs to download it and have a listen. Great stuff to sit back and listen to. I wish I had better news about to Koss at the $12 price range but I dont, and as for them they went to my 12 year old. In reviewing them with this cd I couldn't wait to get it over with and put the headbangers back in to finish listening to the cd.

MY god track 7 is 2001 A Space Oddyssey and the beginning low notes are just breath taking on the Organ. The cd is just breath taking and the classical music, with the violin and other string instruments playing I swear its like I am there. Yes, I admit this is my first Flac file and I am hooked and will be looking for more ASAP.

Track List:
01 "Sileypud", New Haranni Poison Mixers - excerpt (John Barnes)
02 "Auf Geht's - Ab Geht's", Tripercussion Nr. 06 - excerpt (Th. Keems)
03 "Applaus", Baglioni (Soundclip, Ultrasone Production)
04 "Ave Verum Corpus", (W.A. Mozart, KV 618)
05 "Rondo Allegro", Sonate Nr. 8, B. L. Gelber (Ludvig van Beethoven, C Min. Opus 13)
06 "Wellen Am Sandstrand", (Soundclip, Ultrasone Production)
07 "Also Sprach Zarathustra", Staccato 2, Nr. 12 (R. Strauss, Opus 30)
08 "Chakraphon-Improvisation I", (Ultrasone Production)
09 "Andate Arghetto", Concerto No. 2 (G.F. Händel)
10 "Wie Schön Leuchtet Der morgenstern", (J.S. Bach, BWV 172/6)
11 "Feuerwerk 2002", (Soundclip - excerpt, Ultrasone Production)
12 "Gassenhauer", Capella Antica (Anonymous)
13 "Vögel La Palma", (Soundclip, Ultrasone Production)
14 "Chakraphon-Improvisation II", (Ultrasone Production)
15 "Mis Büerli Geit Über Sapürnerstäg I", Tritonus (Otto v. Greyerz)
16 "Harfe + Flöte", Germeringer Liedertafel - excerpt (J. S. Bach)
17 "Verbum Caro Factum Est), Capella Antica Bambergiensis (Cancionero De Uppsala)
18 "Grille", (Soundclip, Ultrasone Production)
19 "Herrscher Des Himmels Erhöre Das lallen". Weihnacthsoratorium Nr. 24, Projektor Iffeldorf (J. S. Bach)
20 "Brandung", (Soundclip - excerpt, Ultrasone Production)


Senior member
May 29, 2002
I am confused. Are the Headbanger Earsubs at the link above for the PSP only? They say " Sony PSP Universal Headbanger Earsubs". I don't have a PSP and don't want ones that will only work on a PSP. Where can I find the Universal at Shop4Tech?


Nov 13, 2001
They are the universal ones listed in the PSP section of Shop4tech. Will work with any unit with headphone out jack.


Senior member
May 29, 2002
Thanks for the reply, but I am still confused. You really need to rework your first paragraph in the OP, and maybe answer the questions as asked.

I am only buying these as a stopgap while my Shures are in for warranty work. I may buy anyway, but it would be nice if you gave a little confidence with your postings.


Nov 13, 2001
Originally posted by: sat4fun
Thanks for the reply, but I am still confused. You really need to rework your first paragraph in the OP, and maybe answer the questions as asked.

I am only buying these as a stopgap while my Shures are in for warranty work. I may buy anyway, but it would be nice if you gave a little confidence with your postings.

They are the universal ones that will work on any other product that has a headphone jack, not just a PSP. It says PSP in the link because the site themselves have the Universal headphones listed in their PSP section of their site.

I re-worded my paragraph in hopes it makes a little more sense.


Dec 1, 2003
funboy42s first post a while ago got me switched to these and ill never use any other. might have to pick up another since these are starting to wear out.


Golden Member
May 26, 2002
go to any audiophile forum on the planet (cough head-fi) and the universal response will be the buy koss ksc 75's if you are in the 10-20 dollar range.


Nov 13, 2001
Originally posted by: touchmyichi
go to any audiophile forum on the planet (cough head-fi) and the universal response will be the buy koss ksc 75's if you are in the 10-20 dollar range.

The ones I have mentioned actually sound like some one has stuck a subwoffer to your ears and hits low notes like the punk kids passing by your house shaking your windows, Im not joking when I say that they do this, it is literally as if someone has stuck some kick butt speakers and a sub box to your head. The sound coming from these hit so low your ears will vibrate and tickle, and it doesnt effect the highs and mids doing this either. Will the Koss do the same and hit so low my head and ears will vibrate on low bass notes?


Nov 13, 2001
Originally posted by: uhohs
not everyone's a basshead. :)

You dont have to be though, they reproduce all kinds of music and movies and you would be amazed on what all you have been missing. If the track was produced not to be bassy it will not make it bassy, but bass tracks will be full of bass. I hope you understand what I am trying to say.


Feb 26, 2003
Good Job, OP...I have a set of these headbangers and have been quite impressed. Can't beat the quality for the low price. Enjoy the BASS!!! I do....


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2002
My brother enjoys his bass. I only hope the 1-5 day shipping reaches him in time ...


Nov 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Dealbuyer

OK, Op I Am Convinced...

I Am Going To Give Them A Try.



Your welcome!

I dont think anyone will be not impressed with these except anal audiophiles. If your an anal audiophile you really have no reason to even be looking at these. Im a audiovideophile, I feel, just not anal, and over look some thing due to cost and what Im getting, and for $17 its the best $17 spent when its like slapping on a set of Logitech Z5500's to my head with the bass and sound reproduction it puts out for a off brand.

I would bet anything if they were slapped with a brand name people be pooping themselves and talking nothing but good, but then they would be $99 ;)

The only complaints my other thread got on these were them not feeling right in the ear which it will take a bit to get used to if you never had a in the ear set before, very slight hiss at low to no sound/music which the sound quality it pumps out makes up for it and then some not to be that big a deal and I found just moving the amp box makes it go away for some reason, and fitting right due to peoples ear holes not all being the same. They come with 2 different size plugs to try, if they don't work who ever you give them to will be very happy then :D


Golden Member
Jun 25, 2001
I need this like a need a hole in the head (which is perhaps what they'll make anyway) given that I have so many headphones but I can't resist something so gadgety, so I bit.


Platinum Member
Aug 21, 2003
i bought these on a thread about this around February, i must say the inculded batteries last really long, and the sound is good, but after those benefits everything else is a nuisance,

the battery case is frustrating to worry about because its heaviness can make the ear pieces to fall out, the buds do not "lock" like the manual claims they do, well at least for my ears, they will always come off from time to time to the point that you have to route the wires around ur neck, but that doesnt stop it from falling completely, but helps, and my pair's right bud has malfunctioned so i always had to tape the wire in such away in order to get the right side working fluidly, this also happend to my cheap iPOD headphones and cheap Sansa headphones which are crap

The KOSS plugs for 9~13$ that were posted weeks ago is a much better deal than this, i find the plugs that i bought produces the same sound quality as the headbangers without the bulk and they dont fall out of my ear as easily as these


Diamond Member
May 6, 2004
I am not an anal audiophile by any stretch, cant even claim I am an audiophile at all. My brief (about 20 minutes or so) encouter with these phones was they werent all too bad, but could do away with the residual hum (somewhat noticeable to me, anyway) and fatigue due to midly shrill highs and possibly the hum. Mids were recessed and the sound was kinda edgy and hollow. I would probably agree the bass goes quite low for puny earbuds they are (probably due to the amp it comes with), but is bloated for my tates. To give the OP some credit, not bad sonding phones for money I suppose. Yet to try the ksc75, so cant make a direct comparison between the two.

EDIT : since i was never an original owner of the phone, I was unaware of the locking mechanism claim. I did feel they wre prone to slipping out of your year, and with the added weight of the amp, they probably wouldnt make the greatest workout phones if thats what you are looking for.


Nov 18, 2004
Will also add to the happy owners of these guys. These ear buds produce increadible bass. I just ordered the Koss plugs last week so we'll see how they compair. The battery life is insane, I originally figured I'd need batteries once a week at best. Reality is you only have to replace the batteries about once a month or longer and that's with fairly heavy usuage.

Only warning I have is don't use them around a cell phone. They're not shielded the best so if a phone starts picking up a signal pull em out before you go deaf.


Nov 13, 2001
They come with a clip so you can clip the amp to a pocket, sleve, neck of shirt, I cannot see how some people would think the amp would just hang and tug on the headphones :p

I bought the koss ones just now to compaire them to these for my son is in need of a set of headphones and will be getting the lesser of the two, I do find it hard to beileve Koss will be better though but to please the masses and not talk out my ass on something I dont own, I bit and bought them.

Mr Smiley

Senior member
Oct 12, 2004
I was just wondering if these headphones "project" music. For example, I have the koss ksc 75's and while they are really good phones, it seems even if you have the volume on medium anyone in a 5 yard radius can here what you are listening to.


Nov 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Mr Smiley
I was just wondering if these headphones "project" music. For example, I have the koss ksc 75's and while they are really good phones, it seems even if you have the volume on medium anyone in a 5 yard radius can here what you are listening to.

Nope you can crank them and they can barley be heard by anyone around you, close to you, like in right next to you, 1 foot or two away from you.