HD4850 Dual Monitor problems


Dec 12, 2007
I purchased a Visontek HD4850 about a month and a half ago. I output to a Gateway 24" monitor and a Westinghouse 24" monitor. Both via DVI. About 2 weeks into owning the card, I noticed that the Westinghouse (secondary monitor) started to flicker on and off randomly. It is sometimes quite a bit worse than other times. After doing a google search, I came across this fix:


It was stated that the power-save feature of the HD4850 does not play nicely with a dual-monitor setup. After equalizing the ram speeds and reflashing the bios, the screen flicker is *almost* gone (it flickers briefly once every other day or so) however I get screen artifacts on the primary monitor whenever I scroll with the mouse or do any other type of non stationary display activity. I am able to play a full screen game on the primary monitor, and not experience any artifacts on the secondary monitor.

So I'm a little stumped. Right now the artifacts on the primary monitor is the lesser of the two evils compared with the original secondary monitor strobe light pattern. But I really don't find this solution acceptable.

VisonTek support has not been helpful, and I don't really want to purchase another card and run a monitor off of each.

Has anyone else had this problem, or have a solution (or perhaps a better bios I can flash)?


Edit: I have installed the most up to date drivers as well.