HD crash?


Aug 30, 2000

My brother's computer wont boot anymore, he said that he was watching a dvd and he wanted to open a program and then it crashed and he had to manually reset the pc and then it wouldnt start anymore (he was a bit vague on how it happened :p).
Its a AMD 2000 XP with a Zalman cooler, Soltek SL-75DRV5 (KT333 chipset) motherboard and 512 DDR ram, Maxtor 80gb and a GF4ti200. When it boots up, it hangs at the loading screen. It can boot up in safe mode tho.
At first i thought it was overheating so i tried a couple of cooling things but none had any effect. Then i booted up in safe mode with command prompt and did a chkdsk and then i got a whole list of errors. I booted up with the disk of partition magic 8 and checked for errors and again i got a whole list of errors (only on partition C:, where winXP is installed (20gb)). PM8 was unable to fix the errors (http://www.powerquest.com/support/primus/id2406.cfm and http://www.powerquest.com/support/primus/id2084.cfm). I was unable to perform a chkdsk /F to fix the errors as well (it said that it was in use but it could be performed next time i boot up, which i cant do because i cant boot up normally :/ ).
So my guess is that this is a HD crash, tho i've never dealt with this before (i thought u couldnt do anything anymore if it was a HD crash, not even boot up in safe mode). But im not 100% sure, any advice/tips etc would be greatly appreciated :)

TIA for all help & advice :):(


Senior member
Feb 19, 2000
You might try the HD manufacturers website for a diagnostic utility. Usually it will create a bootable floppy and will check/fix the drive errors.

But if you are able to get into safe mode, it may be a windows problem as well. Any error messages or it just hangs? Try a search on MS support.


Aug 30, 2000
thx for the tip, i downloaded the maxtor diagnostics utility and it confirmed it was busted :(
Oh well...