Alrite I got my Sapphire HD 4870 X2 and been using it for couple days. Im running Vista 64bit SP1 with CAT 8.12's. The performance is weird with everyprogram with high settings. For example in Far Cry 2 it stuttering almost everywhere. Its not big stuttering, but very annoying after a while. Im running the game at 1680x1050 Ultra High, 4x AA DX10. My fps is at 60 most of the time with dips to 40, but when i move around it feels like it is stuttering. In Left 4 Dead it does the same and fps is great too. Crysis runs very messed up, might be some driver setting but I doubt it.
Another program that has a big dip in fps is Vantage. I run Vantage on Performance and my overall is 14,750-14,950. In the frist game test it runs a nice 38-55fps, but then in certain parts the fps dips to 20 and has that stutter.
My buddies system is smiliar to mine with 2x 260 216 in SLI. His doesnt have those dips in performance and thats why he gets 3-4K more then I probley.
Anyone know the problem before I RMA the card?
Driver Settings
SmoothVision HD AA - 4x Edge-detect
SmoothVision HD AF - 16x
Catalyst A.I. - Advanced
MipMap Detail Level - High Quality
Vsync Always On
Adaptive AA - Quality
Another program that has a big dip in fps is Vantage. I run Vantage on Performance and my overall is 14,750-14,950. In the frist game test it runs a nice 38-55fps, but then in certain parts the fps dips to 20 and has that stutter.
My buddies system is smiliar to mine with 2x 260 216 in SLI. His doesnt have those dips in performance and thats why he gets 3-4K more then I probley.
Anyone know the problem before I RMA the card?
Driver Settings
SmoothVision HD AA - 4x Edge-detect
SmoothVision HD AF - 16x
Catalyst A.I. - Advanced
MipMap Detail Level - High Quality
Vsync Always On
Adaptive AA - Quality